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'Wanderin' Wind' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 631.  
Shrub, light pink, 1973, 'Dornröschen' x 'Andante'; Buck; Iowa State University. Flowers two-toned light pink, double, high-centered, medium; very fragrant; foliage large, glossy, dark, leathery; very vigorous, upright, bushy growth.
Website/Catalog  (1988)  Page(s) 20.  
The Roseraie had listed this rose for five years as 'Applejack'.
Book  (1972)  
p109.  Griffith J. Buck. Roses Are Shrubs?
'Wanderin' Wind'. 'Dornroschen' x 'Andante'. Under the magic wand of Wilhelm Kordes, 'Pike's Peak' produced a robust free-flowering Shrub rose with very fragrant flowers of exhibition quality. Our plant of 'Dornroschen' was in flower when pollen of 'Andante' became available, and in an unplanned action, the cross was made. The union was fruitful: 300 plants coming from 4 seed pods! The original plant of 'Wanderin' Wind' went unnoticed for three years. One hot, August morning while "walking the seedlings", I found a short 3-foot-high plant with fairly large, very fragrant flowers. Further examination showed almost complete freedom from blackspot. So the plant was marked, propagated, and after living up to its early promise, was named. Under garden culture, the plant will grow larger, but if spent flowers are removed throughout the season, the plant will not get out of bounds.

p168.  New Roses of the World.
Wanderin' Wind S. lp. (G. J. Buck;  int Iowa State Univ., 73).....
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