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"Mt. Torrens rose Photos
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Rose photo courtesy of okdb
Northland NZ (10b?). Same as previous. Seems to have definite rambler tendencies — like a river of rose through the young citrus and tree lupin!
Uploaded 5 NOV
Rose photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
The three plants in the Blakiston Schoolhouse garden (came under different study names) have finished flowering: it doesn't appear to set hips. Some buds didn't open. South Australia, late spring.
Uploaded 29 NOV 23
Rose photo courtesy of okdb
Northland NZ (10b?). As last photo. Can see the shades of mauve lilac and reflexed shape of aging flowers; also the branches arching almost flat under their own weight
Uploaded 5 NOV
Rose photo courtesy of HeathRose
This is a rose I purchased from Reliable Roses as Anais Segalas. I noted that they also were selling Belle de Crecy and I wanted to purchase it so I could compare both but they were sold out. I have uploaded these photos also to Anais Segalas as unsure about its actual identity. I really love this rose, it flowers for an extended period, has a lovely sweet scent and the flowers fade to a lovely lavender pink colour to a greyish lilac mauve I guess? Looking forward to it growing bigger! (Note my leaves don't look that healthy as my pH was off but now that I have amended it new leaves are very healthy looking and this rose looks to be very resistant to blackspot.)
Uploaded 4 JAN 23
Rose photo courtesy of okdb
Northland NZ (10b?). Old rootstock found suckering widely under blanket of weeds when we moved in 3 years ago; since transplanted pieces around and they’ve taken off! Must have had easily a hundred or more flowers on this 2-year old plant, which is now almost 1.5m tall and easily 1.8m across (very long whippy canes, which drag themselves horizontal and flower along the length). Has the magenta-fading-mauve flowers of Anaïs Segalas(AU) but the size/habit of De la Grifferaie, so am posting there as well.
Uploaded 5 NOV
Rose photo courtesy of bibi
The different steps of the blooming with the different shades.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 31 JAN 21
Rose photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
South Australia, late spring.
Uploaded 29 NOV 23
Rose photo courtesy of bibi
That is my found rose from the far west of Britta ny in France. We can find this rose in different villages but it is still not identified. It is early blooming, mid april.
Uploaded 31 JAN 21
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