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Australian Inland Botanic Gardens
'Australian Inland Botanic Gardens'  photo
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Rose (public) Garden  

Listing last updated on Tue Mar 2025
Nearest towns Mildura (across the river in Victoria), and Wentworth, NSW. (PO Box 2809, Mildura, Vic 3502)
River Rd, Buronga, New South Wales 2739
USDA Zone: 10b (35 to 40 F / 1.7 to 4.4 C)
(03) 5023 3612  [Information]
(61 3) 5022 0012  [Fax]
The Australian Inland Botanic Gardens were established on degraded, salt-affected land near the River Murray, in 1991. Salt-tolerant species were planted initially, to lower a perched saline water-table, focussing on soil conservation and best-practice irrigation/ water management. Since then, there have been extensive plantings, concentrating (but not exclusively) on arid-land plants arranged by state or continent. So far, about a third of the 150-hectare site has been planted. Beds are mulched with grape marq from nearby wineries. A volunteer group helps to maintain the rose garden, which has 1600 plants (mostly labelled).

A mid-1800s galvanised-iron shearing shed, dismantled from Magenta cattle station, has been rebuilt on site by the South Mildura Rotary Club, and is used for conferences and wedding receptions. A historic log homestead from Garnpang has similarly been re-built on site, and houses the coffee shop, which sells local wares (there is also a fortnightly famers' market). An open air "bush chapel" is used for weddings.
Outside the homestead, a labelled Nature Trail exhibits plants native to the area.

Open weekdays 8am to 4: 30pm, weekends 10am to 4:30pm. Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday.
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