American Horticultural Annual
(1868) Page(s) 116. New Hybrid perpetual Roses of 1867. Alba Carnea.- White, tinted with rose; flowers, full, and of finer form; growth, vigorous; color, distinct; a very fine rose.
(1869) Page(s) 108-109. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Baronne Adolphe de Rothschild.- Delicate rose color, shaded and striped with white; flowers globular, large and double, of the most perfect shape; a magnificent new Rose.
Madame la Baronne de Rotschild.- Beautiful bright rose, shaded with white; very large and beautiful, full; vigourous grower and free bloomer; very fine.
(1869) Page(s) 108. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Boule de Neige.- Flowers of the purest white; medium size, fine form, full; vigorous grower; a really excellent, white, Perpetual Rose.
(1869) Page(s) 108. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Clotilda Rolland.- Flowers a beautiful clear cherry-rose, large and double, of the finest form; growth vigorous, and profuse bloomer; a superb Rose.
(1868) Page(s) 116. The present year, '67, has ushered in some beautiful flowers — perhaps Comtesse de Jaucourt may be considered the finest, though Madame Martin de Besse, Mlle. Annie Wood, and others, must be conceded to be extremely beautiful.
(1869) Page(s) 111. New Hybrid Perpetuals of 1867. Comtesse Félicie Morgues. -- Brilliant rosy red, the centre petals edged with white; habit robust; flowers large and double.
(1869) Page(s) 109. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Coquette des Alpes.- White, centre beautifully shaded with carmine; flowers large and finely formed; free, vigorous grower, and abundant bloomer; a very fine Rose.
(1869) Page(s) 109. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Duchesse d'Aoste.- Bright vivid rose, shaded; large and very double, of the most exquisite shape; gained the first prize at the Paris Exhibition of 1867.
(1869) Page(s) 109. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Duke of Edinburgh.- Fine rich vermilion; large and fine form, exceedingly vigorous; free bloomer; a beautiful new Rose.
(1869) Page(s) 109. New hybrid perpetual roses of 1868... Ernest Boucenne.- Fine pale rose, marbled with carmine-red, centre brilliant rose; beautifully shaped, globular, full; vigorous growth; extra fine.