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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse
(1896)  Page(s) 30.  Includes photo(s).
Pæonia albiflora (white-flowered). 2 to 5 feet; the long smooth stalks are often branched towards the summit, and bear from two to five flowers.  The leaves are of a brighter hue than usual in the genus, and sometimes the veins and the edges of the leaflets are tinged with red.  The leaflets are 3 or 4 inches long, often running together at the base.  There is usually a simple leaf a little below the flower, and immediately beneath the calyx a couple of leafy bracts.  The flowers are from 4 to 6 inches across, fragrant, normally white, but under cultivation they exhibit various degrees of coloration in yellow, rose, crimson, and purple; some self-coloured, others streaked or striped.  Flowers May and June.  The follicles in this species are not more than an inch long, smooth and recurved.  The natives of Mongolia use its tubers and seeds as food, hence one of its synonyms is P. edulis.
(1896)  Page(s) 156.  
Daniel Lacombe, pale yellow turning white.
(1896)  Page(s) 156.  
Floribunda, lilac rose.
(1896)  Page(s) 156.  
Gloire des Polyanthus, deep rose, white centre.
(1896)  Page(s) 154.  
Hybrid Perpetuals...Gloire Lyonnaise, white, tinged yellow.
(1896)  Page(s) 156.  
Laure Davoust, pale flesh.
(1896)  Page(s) 156.  
Madame Charles Worth, reddish carmine, semi-double.
(1896)  Page(s) 30.  Includes photo(s).
Natural Order Ranunculaceæ. Genus Pœonia
Cultivated Species.
Pæonia Moutan (Chinese Meu-tang- King of Flowers). 3 to 5 feet; stems much branched, woody, forming a shrubby bush, with flowers much larger than those of any other Peony, pure white, pink, rose, crimson, purple, single, double or semi-double. The parent of all the garden Tree Peonies.  Flowers May.  See Frontispiece to present volume of this work.
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