Florist & Nursery Exchange
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Although Altaica is very transient it is perhaps the most effective of the whole group, and I should not like to be without a specimen in the garden. It is rather taller and stiffer in growth than the other varieties and would make a fine pillar Rose. The single cream-tinted flowers are very large, some measuring 2½ inches across. When in full bloom the plant cannot be seen for blossoms. This variety also has a delicate but powerful scent.
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden, the most sutable for this purpose being: Bicolor Nana is a single flowered variety of dwarf, compact habit, the color creamy white, heavily mottled with crimson.
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Other varieties might be placed in the background of the rock garden, for even when the bloom is over they form graceful shrubs. In such a position we might place the Double White Scotch, to my mind the sweetest of the lot, the pretty little snow-white blossoms being very neat and fairly full, lasting on the plant longer than those of most other varieties. There is also the single white.
(1 Nov 1890) Page(s) 299. [Advertisement by A. Lauer, 1210 E. Broadway, Louisville, Ky.] Roses. From Open Ground......Esther Pradel....
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Other varieties might be placed in the background of the rock garden, for even when the bloom is over they form graceful shrubs. In such a position we might place: Harrisoni, when in full bloom, forms a wonderful hit of color, the plants being smothered with double blooms of a rich pure yellow. As I write (June 8) I have a plant of Harrisoni that has been in bloom since May 24, and there are plenty of quite small buds yet to develop. In addition to its other charms this variety possesses a delicious fragrance.
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden, the most sutable for this purpose being: Lady Hamilton forms a neat, dwarf bush with semi-double flowers, buff shaded with rose, and tinges of yellow in the fully-expanded flowers.
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Other varieties might be placed in the background of the rock garden, for even when the bloom is over they form graceful shrubs. In such a position we might place the Ochroleuca bears single, golden yellow blossoms which are charming.
(1969) Page(s) 9. Representative of this in 1969 is the new " Royal Canadian Rose " . This red hybrid tea was named for orchestra leader Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians . J & P refers to this introduction as having "the sweetest fragrance this side of heaven" - a take-off on Guy Lombardo's "Sweetest Music this side of heaven"... In fact , however , the Royal Canadian Rose " , while heavily fragrant in the true old rose tradition , is still out-classed by the 1968 Rose of the Year , " Fragrant Cloud "
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Other varieties might be placed in the background of the rock garden, for even when the bloom is over they form graceful shrubs. In such a position we might place the Double White Scotch, to my mind the sweetest of the lot, the pretty little snow-white blossoms being very neat and fairly full, lasting on the plant longer than those of most other varieties. There is also the single white.
(24 Jun 1916) Page(s) 1506. The Scotch Roses All the varieties have a shrubby, compact habit of growth, with heavily-spined wood, the height, varying from about 6 inches to 8 feet, according to the sort. Some of the smallest in growth would make real gems for the rock garden... Before closing I must mention Stanwell Perpetual Scotch, a hybrid Scotch, and among the very earliest Roses to come into flower, often unfolding its delicate rosy-white blossoms in May and continuing until the frost comes. Its habit is semi-climbing. The semi-double blossoms are very fragrant, closely resembling those of the old Provence Rose in that respect.