McIntosh & Co's Periodical Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose—Rosa Indica Odorata. Antherosa...Blush white, very large and double, strong grower.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Belle Amelie... Blush white, free bloomer.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Bon Silene... Cherry red, very large and fragrant.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Bougere... Rosy blush, very large, double and splendid.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Boutrand... Rosy pink, good form, free bloomer.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Caroline... Bright rosy pink, fine form, free bloomer and beautiful.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Clara Sylvain... Pure white, large, abundant bloomer, first rate.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Comte de Paris... Pale blush, very double, fine habit.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Devoniensis... Creamy white, immense size, very fragrant, one of the best.
(1848) Page(s) 29. The Tea Rose. — Rosa Indica Odorata. Price, 25 to 50 cents each. Duchesse de Mecklenburg... Creamy yellow, double and good.