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stephen scanniello
most recent 7 APR 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 24 FEB 07 by Unregistered Guest
Maidens Blush was used with orange blossom in the bouquets of Australian brides in the mid to late C19. Woiud any one know which rose this is and if it is still commercially available ?
Thank you.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 11 MAR 07 by Ozarksroselady
Try searching the Uncommon Rose or the Antique Rose Emporium for possible sources. Best of luck finding this rose.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 12 MAR 07 by stephen scanniello
In the early 20th century, the tea rose William R. Smith was also sold as (by florists and cut flower growers) 'Maiden's Blush'.

stephen scanniello
Reply #3 of 4 posted 12 MAR 07 by Unregistered Guest
I thank you for your help. this is most intersting. I wonder if William R Smith is commercially available in Australia. I will make enquiries , as I hate to have a noted rose disappear into obscurity.
Kind Regards
Barbara D
Reply #4 of 4 posted 7 APR 07 by Margaret Furness
(Great) Maiden's Blush is available through old-roses nurseries in most states of Australia; (Small) Maiden's Blush is less easy but it is around. (Hilltop and John's World used to have it but I'm reading an out-of-date directory). Both are albas, spring-only.
William R. Smith is around too; you may get it by ordering Dr Grill from a specialist old-rose nursery (but you might get Baronne Henriette Snoy, which is similar). The one I have was found by Pat Toolan. I didn't know it had been called Maiden's Blush; nice to learn these things.
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