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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Angel Gardens
most recent 30 NOV 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 NOV 11 by Angel Gardens

I see you are looking for Dupuy Jamain cuttings. I have "misplaced" my mother plant and need to find her (I have a Nursery full of roses and sometimes one gets lost!) so I can exchange cuttings with you! I will keep you posted. Thanks, pam
most recent 22 OCT 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 OCT 11 by Angel Gardens
HI Jedmar,

Hope you are well! Thanks again for all your help! Check out my Blog. Is your Caramella the Caramella Fairy Tale or the other one? Say Hi to Retta for me. Hope everything is coming up roses! Pam
Reply #1 of 6 posted 19 OCT 11 by jedmar
Hi Pam! Yes, it is the 2001 Caramella. We have seen the blog and were amused. Have the cuttings done well?
Reply #2 of 6 posted 21 OCT 11 by Angel Gardens

Some cutting have made it, some didn't. I never made a list of the ones I took, and I sent cuttings home from other places too. I know the Ilsa Krohn Superieur is from you and I have a few rooted cuttings of that one. Also I have Maid of Kent, Brewood Belle, False Joanne Roepke, Alberich climbing, Alexander Girault,. Any of these familiar? Is it getting too cold to send more cuttings? Pam
Reply #4 of 6 posted 21 OCT 11 by jedmar
All except Maid of Kent are from us.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 21 OCT 11 by Angel Gardens
Can you tell me when Brewood Belle and Joanne Roepke have their bloom cycles?Thanks, Pam
Reply #6 of 6 posted 22 OCT 11 by jedmar
Brewood Belle blooms in June, with repeat in September / October. The "false Johanna Roepke" blooms in June and had in the last two years scattered blooms in October. This is in our climate - she will probably perform otherwise in Florida.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 21 OCT 11 by Angel Gardens

I had a guest in my home named Sasha last night. He is from a town in Switzerland only 45 minutes away from you. He was here for a Healing seminar I went to about Bruno Groening. Now I will like to come back and visit both of you one day! Pam
most recent 15 SEP 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 SEP 11 by Angel Gardens

I have most of the roses on your cuttings list. Pam
most recent 15 SEP 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 SEP 11 by Angel Gardens

I have plants or cuttings of Abigail Adams. I am happy to trade for another rose plant or cuttings with you. Do you have a list? Is it really zone 10 in Olympia, Washington? I have been interested in that part of the country and I am trying to find out more about it. Is it near BC? Pam
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