HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Angel Gardens
most recent 20 AUG 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 AUG 11 by Angel Gardens
I can provide cuttings of Abigail Adams. May I see you list of cuttings? Let me know, pam
Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 AUG 11 by Eglantyne
Good morning Pam,
I can definately send Cloris ( Chloris ) Alba Maxima,Great Maiden's Blush,William Lobb,Queen of Denmark ? General Kleber to tell you from the top of my head.
I am a member of Dave's garden and have been for 8-9 years.I just sent Melva in that group a very generous package of cuttings.Maybe you know her ?
Please let me know,maybe we could do a trade for several types :-) I usually send 6 cuttings each,
Reply #2 of 2 posted 20 AUG 11 by Angel Gardens

Where are you located? It sounds like you are in a colder dryer climate. I am in Florida and we can almost NOT grow any Albas, Gallicas, Centifolias, Damasks (maybe depends on parents) . Tell me if you have other classes of roses like Bourbons, HPs, minis, ramblers, old HTs, Chinas, or Teas. I could try a couple of the albas like Queen of Denmark, general Kleber and William Lobb I have always wanted to try. Let me know. You may look at my list here on HMF or you can go to and see my website where I sell online. I'm open, I think it's fun to trade. I am a member of dave's garden but too busy to be on the forums. Take care, Pam
most recent 20 AUG 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 AUG 11 by Angel Gardens
Kona, would you like to try to trade cuttings with me? How may I see your list? Pam
most recent 20 AUG 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 AUG 11 by Angel Gardens
I am open to trading with you. How can I see a list of your cuttings? Are you wanting Eglantyne? Anyone else? Let me know, Pam
most recent 20 AUG 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 AUG 11 by Angel Gardens
I have Abigail Adams cuttings. Are you wanting these? How can I see a list of your cuttings? I would happy to do a trade with you. Let me know
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