Pauline's Roses - Vancouver Island
I have been growing Belle Story for at least ten years now in my garden. The main reason I still grow it is because it has to be the most photogenic rose that I have. I love taking pictures of it preferably before it shows its yellow stamens, though in this particular rose, I think they are very attractive. Also it is a very pretty peachy pink with a pleasant fragrance. Though my bush has very few canes, the trusses are big so produce a dozen or so blooms at a time.
The downside is that it has never grown many basal shoots and is a very slender plant of at least five feet in my garden. I need to stake this rose also as the canes are quite thin. The foliage is very sparse, so as an all round bush, it is quite unattractive. Mine has always been in the front of the border, but will move before next season to a back ground spot.........but I will keep taking pictures as you can see here how beautiful the blooms can look.
#1 of 1 posted
20 MAY 16 by
I have a Belle Story rose that I have grown for 12 years and I too love this rose. However, the branches bend over when heavy with roses, does yours? What can I do to make them stronger so they will stand upright when the roses bloom?
Hi, Please cancel my last comment about picture uploading. I logged in, then problem cured. Sorry about that. Pictures now uploaded. Thankyou, Pauline Brigden.
Sorry, but I submitteed two of the same Abraham Darby pics by mistake, could you please remove one of them.
Pauline's roses.
Thanks so much
You can edit your own photos. Just pull up the photo and delete it.
Smiles, Lyn
Thanks Lyn, I just tried by right clicking, there was no "delete" in the popup box and "cut" had been greyed out. Also I double posted here. I did not think my first post of last night went through. Hmmmm, not a great start to submitting pics, huh!!!! :) Pauline.
When you display the full size copy of your photo (double click on the thumbnail) it includes buttons for you to edit your comments and delete your photo.
Got it now. Thanks so much for yur patience. Pauline
Thanks so much for your photos !
Amber Queen is one of my favourite roses, so much so that I have six of them. I do need to spray in my garden, hence, it has beautiful shiny leaves and very healthy all round. The colour glows and it seems to compliment most other rose colours. I also find it has a pleasant moderate fragrance. It has a great vase life. The bush is a lovely shape and not too tall and the blooms are abundant. Almost never without them. I am always recommending this Harkness rose.
Thanks Pauline !
Now if we could only get EVERYONE to share their experience/insight and tell us a little about themselves and their gardens.
'Amber Queen' is a very good rose in Norway, too. At least in the southern and western parts. I do not grow it in my own garden, but have seen it around. My favorite among Harkness´ roses is 'Margaret Merril'.
-- Alf