HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 17 APR SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 NOV 20 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
Entre 176 et 223, Cécile de Rome dite Sainte Cécile, patronne des musiciens
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 APR by Ms.Lefty
J'ai été nommé pour elle !
most recent 21 FEB 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 NOV 20
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Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 FEB 22 by Margaret Furness
I would assume that the rose was named for Graham Stuart Thomas, 1909 - 2003, English horticulturalist and author.
But I appreciate the biographical work Viviane Schussele has done for other rose names.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 20 FEB 22 by Amy E
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Reply #3 of 2 posted 21 FEB 22 by Nastarana
Graham Thomas described; I think more than once, how he came to select the rose to bear his name. For example, in the introduction to David Austin's book, The Heritage of the Rose, 1988, p. 12

"...a few of them may be named and may prove a success, such as 'Mary Rose' and my own namesake. It is interesting to recall that the latter was the only rich soft yellow amongst hundreds of seedlings. But on looking back one can see that it has ever been a rare colour..."
most recent 19 JAN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JAN 22 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
'Chios Rose" Avramis

Category Old Roses Old Roses with repeat flowering Color Deep Pink Perfume Very strong fragrance (5/5) Height 1,50 m Height x Large 1,50 x 0,80 m Flower diameter 8 - 10 cm Uses for desserts and rose water, for hedges or borders , alone, in groups Planting place Sunny Flowering Repeating (from Spring to Winter)
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 JAN 22 by jedmar
We are trying to find out more about Avramis and the chios Rose, before adding it. chios Rose seems to be a found rose and could be an existing OGR. Regarding Avramis we are looking for the family behind the nursery- an Eva Avrami (without s) is listed as co-owner. Maybe our Greek members can tell us more?
most recent 19 JAN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JAN 22 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
Rose Listing Omission

ROZAKI® (AVRAkir) (AVRAkir) Avramis 2020

Category Polyantha & Floribunda Roses Color white- cream Perfume Strong fragrance (4/5) Height 0,60 m Height x Large 0,60 m Χ 0,60 m Flower diameter 8 - 10 cm Uses for big pots and jars, for borders of 1 metre height, for borders or rose beds, for hedges or borders , alone Planting place Sunny Flowering Repeating (from Spring to Winter)
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