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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 18 NOV SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 NOV by Ben R. Williams
Hello, am father J. Benjamin Williams created the rose known first as Seashore and later renamed St. Therese. I was thrilled to see you have it in your garden. Would it be possible to speak with you sometime? I am Ben R. Williams and my phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. All the best, Cheers

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Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 NOV by Nippstress
I'm honored to hear from you and I've loved your father's roses! I keep an eye out for them and have always enjoyed their unique character and exuberance! That is a legacy and I'm glad you're keeping it up.
Unfortunately, I lost all my roses to RRD in 2022 so I no longer have this rose. I presume you're looking for a replacement of it, and I'm so sorry not to be able to help. I think I got it from Vintage roses many years ago, but obviously that's no longer a source.
Thanks for reaching out and you're welcome to correspond here if you like!
most recent 18 NOV SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 JUN by JenniferinMI
Hi, has your comtesse segur overwintered well for you? I was thinking of ordering one from Rogue but zone information varies.
Thank you
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 NOV by Nippstress
Sorry I missed your post - I was off rose forums for a while after losing all my roses to RRD in 2022.
I have had reasonable luck overwintering Comtesse de Segur but it stayed pretty small for me. I've gotten better results lately by growing on roses in pots with plenty of water before planting them in the ground, so I'll probably replace it.
Far better for me though is Dames de Chenonceau. My word, that is a lovely rose! It cascades across a low fence putting to shame the height estimate of 32" on hmf. I'd say mine is a loosely draping 6-8 feet. It blooms all summer and can be breathtaking. It's also cane hardy and tough as nails. After losing everything to RRD, I had to be extra cruel and spray roundup on any stray sprouts throughout 2022 and 2023 to make sure they weren't harboring RRD that would resurface. Wouldn't you know it, Dames de Chenonceau survived being sprayed with roundup at least 6 times over that period and has still survived (no RRD btw). It's a tough cookie and just gorgeous!
most recent 18 NOV SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 MAY 22 by Jennywren1066
You have the loveliest garden! I love to see your photos. Where did you find Candice? I can’t source her anywhere! She is just lovely.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 NOV by Nippstress
Sorry I missed your post! I lost all my roses to RRD in 2022 and I was off a lot of rose sites for a while. Digging out 850 roses in the month of March was exhausting and devastating.
I appreciate your very gracious comment! I'm hoping to return to roses after a lot of replanting and hope it'll be lovely again.
For Candice the only place I've ever seen her was a brief period when Ludwig Roses sold in the US (maybe 2016-17). For another year, Agave Farms was willing to ship some gallons including those uncommon roses, but now Agave sells the usual fare and only locally.
Heirloom has started to sell Ludwig roses and other unusual types so I'm hoping it comes there since obviously Candice was lost in 2022.
most recent 12 FEB HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 FEB by Nippstress
Hi HMF staff

I love your resources and check it faithfully. Sorry I'm late renewing my membership. I did donate $30 but I used the "donate" button rather than my premium membership. Could that fee be used to update my premium membership?
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