Dear HelpMeFind, I found an error in the recorded parentage of the variety Rosa hybrida `65 Roses´ which was bred by George Thomson, Willunga, South Australia. The parentage should be: `The Wild One´ x `Mrs Mary Thomson´. This parentage has been confirmed in my telephone conversation with George. [HMF Ed]".
Please note that that `Mrs Mary Thomson was renamed `Pink Ribbon´ during 2009 to raise some funding for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, in memory of his mother Mrs Mary Thomson, who did not survive breast cancer. Kind regards, Les Krake
Thanks Les, I'll reply under the individual roses. Patricia
Dear Webmaster, I note that the lineage for Rosa hybrida `Brass Band´lists `Holy Toledo´(ARObri) as the pollen parent. This doesn't seem to agree with the pollen parent listed in the US Patent Number: Plant 9171 to which you have very kindly provided a link to. In the patent description it has the pollen parent listed as "an unnamed seedling, the latter being the result of a cross of an unnamed seedling with the variety ARObri (US PP 4659). Can you resolve this? By the way, I really enjoy your website. Well Done! Regards, Les
A website maintained by the breeder, or someone for him, "http://home.earthlink.net/~jchristensen/list.html" lists the parentage as we have it on HMF but as you note that doesn't agree with the patent.
I'm guessing their website has "abbreviated" the parentage to simplify it. We have updated the parentage here to match the patent. Thank you for contacting us about this and thanks for the kudos.