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2 FEB 21
Still Winter in South East Texas, though it's almost time to get the garden going. It's been a fairly dry season so far, following a dry year. Unusual for Houston where it tends to rain and rain (and rain!). I lost a few roses due to naughty dogs, so I'll take from my ever shrinking pot ghetto to fill in the gaps. Will this be the year that I'll zero the ghetto out? Perhaps not, but that day is coming. Last year and for the coming season I've been putting most of my energy into edibles- tomatoes, peppers, long beans, cucumbers etc. Most of my roses are antiques, so they just happily live while I tend to other divas in the garden- I'm looking at YOU tomatoes.
17 NOV 20
One of my Cole's Settlement seedlings died. Starting to uncover the garden this week, pulling grass and weeds
3 SEP 20
Peak Summer in Houston is upon us- 100 degrees during the day, mid 80s at night. Nothing much is blooming at the moment because of the heat and lack of rain also. We've had very little rain this year, which reminds me of the drought we endured in 2011. Certainly my garden is the driest that it's been since then.
25 JUL 20
Lady Ann Kidwell is dead, Lemon Spice and Queen of Elegance are on the way. Start of summer death season. In ground, Archduke Charles looks pretty bad. We need rain.
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