I am having a problem uploading photos from Picasa. I put in the name of the rose I want to upload plus its number eg. Betty Boop P1190409JPG and instead the Picasa site comes up but Browse does not put me into it. I don't want to upload the whole of my Picasa photos into your website. Is it possible to upload from Picasa? Should I make each photo into a separate file?
Please help. Margaret.
Sorry, we're not able to upload files directly from Picasa.
Margaret, if you have the photos on your hard drive or other storage device, it's simple to upload them here directly. The only suggestion I would make to keep it simple is, make sure the images were either shot at 300 dpi or are resized to either 300 dpi or "large web" size (if using Windows Photo Manager). As long as the files aren't too large, they upload pretty quickly and easily.
Dear Margaret,
I hope Kim's advice on loading photos helped you. You have some wonderful photos of many New Zealand bred roses in your 1994 book 'New Zealand Patio Roses'. Patricia