HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 26 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JUN 23 by ms_margaret
Can anyone comment on the fragrance?
most recent 23 JUN 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 SEP 11 by Jay-Jay
On the website of Kordes the following (translated) info:

Züchter: W. Kordes' Söhne 2007
Öfterblühende Sorte
Farbe: zart rosa
Wuchsform: aufrecht buschig wachsend
Höhe: ca. 80 cm, Breite: ca. 50 cm
Die Angaben für Höhe und Breite können je nach Standort oder Region etwas variieren. Die Breite kann gleichzeitig als Pflanzabstand übernommen werden.
Bemerkung: Die Duftpreise, die diese Sorte in verschiedenen internationalen Rosenwettbewerben erhalten hat , sprechen eine deutliche Sprache: Ihre großen, gefüllten Blüten duften intensiv nach Zitrus-Früchten. Dabei verzweigt sich die Pflanze außergewöhnlich gut und ihr Laub ist sehr widerstandsfähig gegenüber Sternrußtau.
Blütenfüllung: stark gefüllt
Blütendurchmesser: 10 cm
Blattgesundheit: Sternrußtau: leichte Anfälligkeit, Regeneration aus eigener Kraft , Mehltau: höhere Anfälligkeit, Pflanzenstärkungsmittel erforderlich

Repeat flowering
Colour: soft pink
Habit: Upright shrubby form.
Height ± 80 cm, Width ± 50 cm.
Height and width vary by location or region. Width =planting distance
The plant forms a lot of branches, leaves have a very good resistance towards Blackspot
Very double flowerform
Flower Ø 10 cm
A little susceptible for Blackspot, selfregeneration of it.
High susceptability for Mildew. Needs health improving substances. (like leaf fertilizers as seaweadextract or algae-extract*)
* note by Jay-Jay.

They also wrote:
Diese intensiv duftende Rose gehört zu der Auswahl des Kordes-Duftgarten, alles Sorten, an deren himmlischen Aromen Sie sich den ganzen Sommer lang erfreuen können. Füllen Sie Ihren Duftgarten mit einer Vielfalt von Rosen für die Sinne.

Duftpreis und Publikumspreis Nantes 2010, Duftpreis Baden-Baden 08, Duftpreis Belfast 09, Goldmedaille La Tacita 2010, Silbermedaille 08 Baden-Baden, Silbermedaille 09 Echigo
Rosen-Kollektion: Diese Sorte ist Teil der brandneuen Eleganza-Kollektion, ein Sortiment junger, blattgesunder Edelrosen-Züchtungen, die mit ihrer anmutigen Schönheit jeden Garten veredeln. Lassen Sie sich von der Eleganz dieser Neuzüchtungen verzaubern.
Hinweis: Der begehrte Sonderpreis für die am stärksten duftende Rose ging 2008 an die Kordes-Züchtung ‘Beverly®’. Den intensiven Duft der Kordes-Rose analysierte der bekannte Parfumeur und Rosenkenner Phillipe Sauvegrain folgendermaßen: „Ein blumiger Duft wie aus Tausend und einer Nacht untermalt von einem Hauch Litschi und einer süßen Fußnote, die an reife Pflaumen und Mirabellen erinnert“.

(etwas für Jedmar to translate)
Reply #1 of 13 posted 29 SEP 11 by jedmar
I am afraid we do not have the detail to express properly:
"A floral fragrance as if from Thousand and One Nights, accompanied by a hint (the german "breath" is more poetic here) of lychee and a sweet basal note which is reminiscent of plums and mirabelles"
Reply #2 of 13 posted 29 SEP 11 by Jay-Jay
Die Duftbeschreibung stimmt aber wirklich! So riecht diese rose!
Aber tausend und eine Nacht habe ich noch nicht/nie gerochen, aber es gibt einen Eindruck!

The description of ths roses' fragrance I think is correct! The rose smells like this.
1001 night I've never smelled, but it gives a clue/hunch about how it is!
Reply #3 of 13 posted 7 NOV 14 by Kit

A floral scent out of 1001 Nights, punctuated by a breath of lychee and a sweet undertone which evokes plums and mirabelles.

The real problem here is that the expression 'mirabelle'*, as well as the fruit itself, are virtual unknowns in the Anglosphere. The breath idiom can be translated literally with no loss of poetry or sense.

(Not that I actually get poetry from the German, to me it sounds like illiterate Yiddish spoken by a syntactically confused person. Makes Dutch(bad enough) seem quite sensible by contrast. The daytsh tell me that Yiddish sounds even worse to them!)

*BTW: It's a sort of yellow plum.
Reply #4 of 13 posted 7 NOV 14 by Margaret Furness
There are, of course, people who don't find English euphonious.
Reply #5 of 13 posted 7 NOV 14 by Jay-Jay
Laat de Nederlanders het maar niet horen!
Reply #6 of 13 posted 7 NOV 14 by Jay-Jay
Reply #7 of 13 posted 7 NOV 14 by Patricia Routley
Oh yum! Looks very similar to our sweet-as-honey Greengage plums - Prunus domestica Italica. The dictionary tells me the Greengage was named after Sir W. Gage (1777-1884 , English botanist, who brought it from France. (Nothing at all to do with the 1999 rose but it makes the morning coffee time here interesting.)
Reply #8 of 13 posted 8 NOV 14 by Margaret Furness
Lovely photo Jay-Jay!
Reply #9 of 13 posted 8 NOV 14 by Jay-Jay
The Green Gage plum is a very old variety and called in Europe: "Reine Claude Verte".
They are bigger and when ripe much sweeter (like sugar or honey) than Mirabelles.
For the interested people:
It will normally take many years for that plum-tree to become fertile, and even then it will carry just a little amount of fruit.
The trick is, to plant the young tree a little deeper than in the nursery and little by little put compost enriched garden-soil on top of the roots, so the graft will root by itself and the rootstock dies. Than the Reine Claude Verte/Greengage tree will reward You in good years with loads of delicious plums!
Reply #10 of 13 posted 8 NOV 14 by Margaret Furness
Interesting suggestion. The usual cross-pollinator for it here is Coe's Golden Drop, also known as eggplum, which is nothing special, so I'm trying Prune d'Agen instead. The greengage has an added advantage in my area, in that birds don't attack it as much as other plums. I think it likes our climate better than yours, as it can be quite prolific.
Reply #12 of 13 posted 23 JUN 23 by ms_margaret
I think "hint of lychee" is being modest. This rose will knock you out with lychee scent.
Reply #13 of 13 posted 23 JUN 23 by Jay-Jay
Maybe an idea to make sherbet-ice with it? With Lychees, one can.
Reply #11 of 13 posted 13 JUN 15 by boopie
This rose bush is so beautiful. It has long stems for cutting, but I hesitate to do it because it is so beautiful in bloom that it makes a spectacular landscape bush. My neighborhood is full of dog walkers. Most of them walk their dogs several times a day, and everyone stops to comment on how beautiful this bush is. I rarely cut these flowers out of consideration for my neighbors, they enjoy this bush so much. This is a wonderful bush, and in my climate (southern California, dry and arid) I have not have had to spray for any disease. I love how this bush performs in the garden, it should be considered as a landscape rose as well as it's other attributes. It should be well watered and fertilized for best results.
most recent 23 JUN 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 JUL 18 by Alexday
A few years in and so far, this rose has not been so good, but that might be because I bought it own-root. Clearly, people here have beautiful bushes but mine has short stems, and buds with few petals. The scent is very herbal/citrusy, it reminds me of Heirloom. Overall I prefer, it's parent the McCartney rose for a sweeter scent and richer color. I need to try this rose grafted, to be able to judge it better as most of my roses are grafted on Dr. Huey.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 JUN 23 by ms_margaret
I bought this rose grafted onto multiflora from Palatine roses. It's vigorous and disease resistant in Atlanta Georgia USA. It's an excellent rose. It has the strongest scent in my garden. The only thing I don't love about this rose is that the petal count isn't very high.

Mine is no-spray and I get very little disease in my hot and humid climate.

I'm not sure what others are complaining about with balling. The petals are thick and it doesn't have many petals. However, my garden is HOT most of the year.
most recent 23 JUN 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 JUL 18 by jeffbee
A lot of people in China commend SC for its strong fragrance and remontancy.
But strangely enough, though my SC has given me 3 flushes during spring(truly remontant), non of them seems to have "strong fragrance", only very mild smell....

Even troubles me more is that both the plants I and my mom grow(which are in different zones in China) died in the summer time, is SC not heat-tolerant?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 JUN 23 by ms_margaret
I live in Atlanta GA. I bought this rose from High Country Roses. It looks like the photos during spring. Mid summer it loses its leaves, presumably to disease. I don't smell a damask scent. Mine is light and peppery. I sometimes wonder if mine is actually Sweet Chariot. It does seem vigorous for a mini rose.
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