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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 16 JUN SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 JUN 11 by jmile
Tooth Fairy is a large continuous blooming rose. It seems to love the heat.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 2 JUN 23 by NewDawn
It loves the heat and doesnt seem to mind the cold either. Winter 2023, tip hardy and -7 with biting -40 windchill that cut almost everything else to the ground. Unprecedented die-back on SO MANY roses, but Tooth Fairy emerged unscathed. Because of this she has put on size since posting pics and now exceeds 5.5ft in both height and width with no signs of stopping! Lots of dead cane underneath and doesnt mind a prune. After this first flush, shell be brough into bounds again. Her growth is slow and steady. LOVE this rose!!!
Reply #2 of 3 posted 2 JUN 23 by HMF Admin
Love this post !

Thank you for your participation - this is what HMF is all about.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 16 JUN by KYBungalow
After another fairly cold winter , the tooth fairy has again proven it's worth. However short and spreading would not be a description I would use. She's grown into a huge plant Probably 6' tall and at least as wide. She does take well to pruning but Seems to have a great Hedge quality if allowed to grow to her Capacity.
This is new dawn writing this comment since I am locked out of my Account. If anyone sees this Please leave leave a message here. As I'm trying to get back in.
most recent 25 JUL 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JUL 23 by NewDawn
Thought I'd add my journal comments here, as well:

Re: Gold Blush
Vigorous growth and Bloom. Mine exhibits none of the blush or gold tones seen in Mr. Starnes photos. Instead, it is white tinged with pink. Only the buds are golden apricot. Perhaps this will improve with age. Heavy black spot while in a pot. Black spot completely cleared once planted in full sun 2019. Heavy bloom. Color still pale with pinkish bloom.Fall flush 2019 exhibited deep gold coloration. Since planting in the ground it has had numerous periods of small bloom with heavier production in the Fall. That could be its habit or just due to getting its roots on! We shall see next year. In any case I think it will give much more that just the Spring bloom mentioned under its description. Exuberant Spring growth 2020. 6/4: Huge growth, but every can is blind growth. Not a single hint of a bud. No midge either.
Edit: turns out they weren't blind shoots , just late to develop due probably to its age and heritage. Eventually became a huge thorny beast that blooms with flushes and in between. Turns out Mr. Starnes had only grown this under glass so not a real indication of its potential in my mind. Not a typical climber, but tending towards a large, tall bush much like Darlows Enigma in my garden. Wafting scent to top it off
It does exhibit some winter kill and older cane death, so needs that taken out in a harsh winter.
most recent 12 JUN 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 NOV 17 by NewDawn
While this rose may benefit from some shade in a relentlessly sunny clime, it did terribly with only Eastern exposure and afternoon shade from all sides in my Zone 6 loamy base clay. It is prone to BS here even in full sun, but it's tolerable. This rose is definitely better grown as a climber as its canes are lax. In any case, this allows the gorgeous, fragrant flowers to be seen up close. It was completely cane hardy at the limits of a Z6 winter with -7F for multiple nights and days in the single digits.

2023: Thought I would update after an unusually harsh winter. Same -7F temp, but relentless winds with windchill reaching at least -40F for a couple of nights at different times. It was killed to the ground, but I believe is making a come-back. Ill report later in the season.This was my experience with many formerly hardy roses so I would Not call him a wimp, just not a superhero.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 16 APR 22 by Gdisaz10
it tends to lose a lot of buds with heavy rains
Reply #2 of 2 posted 12 JUN 23 by KYBungalow
Thought I would update after an unusually harsh winter. Same -7F temp, but relentless winds with windchill reaching at least -40F for a couple of nights at to different times. It was killed to the ground, but I believe is making a come-back. Ill report later in the season.This was my experience with many formerly hardy roses so I would call him a wimp, just not a superhero!
most recent 5 JAN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 JAN 23 by NewDawn
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