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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 12 DEC 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 DEC 21 by SmallSunnyGarden
I found this variety to be vigorous, healthy and very floriferous in the Arizona low desert. The autumn bloom period was particularly good.
most recent 12 DEC 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 DEC 21 by SmallSunnyGarden
This rose performed very well in my low desert Arizona garden. Growth was bushy and tall, topping out well over three feet and responding well to pruning. Flowers were clusters of small, beautifully formed red roses, except during intense summer heat, when they would become single. Color was reliable to the best of my memory. Disease resistance was very good under these very low-humidity conditions. An excellent performer in that garden.
The bush received about a half-day of sun, but this was probably equivalent of full sun almost anywhere else.
most recent 28 SEP 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 SEP 21 by SmallSunnyGarden
I notice the description for Lady H gives a height of 2 -3 ft, but several members refer to it as growing large. Any range for what large means in a dry zone 9 garden? I'm guessing around 7 ft?
most recent 25 SEP 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 SEP 21 by SmallSunnyGarden
I grew Paradise in Z6a in Missouri many years ago. It did quite well considering that I was very much a newbie and it was planted in part shade. I believe I mounded soil over the base many winters, but that was about all. It stayed on my list as a rose I would gladly grow again.
So... I've just planted a new Paradise in my new Z9a garden in high desert Arizona. Will see how it does with the heat, as I'm seeing varying opinions here!
To my nose the scent has always been pleasant but moderate, especially compared with its well-perfumed forbears Sterling Silver and Angel Face. A lovely rose and one I'm happy to be growing again.
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