I cant believe everyone has mostly negative things to say about this rose. Its so beautiful. I live in zone 8b in southern cali in the high desert. In the summer its ober 100 degrees every day, and while i do agree that the blooms dont last very long, (usually like 3 days if they dont burn which if its under 105 they dont usually) its always got flowers on it. It smells soo good too. Especially in the fall its intoxicating. Definitely my favorite of any rose. You can smell it from at least like 6 feet away.
I like that the petals fall. The entire plant can be loaded with blooms, with petals scattered around the rose. It's like a picture of an old world painting. I think people expect a rose like 'Double Delight', but 'Scentimental', like its name, is a whole different concept.
I thought it would fit into a mixed bed with heritage roses, because there are striped oldies: but it stood out like a sore thumb. Likewise a yellow Kordes climber, whose name escapes me at present, just wasn't right in that company.
Yeah, its much brighter in flower and foliage tone. The main clan of striped OGRs tend to have a duller tone, with some magenta and mauve tones as well.
post more pictures please!! ❤❤
Jackson & Perkins site says it has a strong pear fragrance. Your post says none to mild. I'd like to hear from growers for their comment on the aroma.
In this case, the information on the rose page came from the registration material submitted by J & P to the ARS.
Smiles, Lyn
I have this rose and love it. Mine has a strong fruity fragrance.
Mine just started blooming and I would categorize the fragrance as a medium, delicious fruity scent. This is a gorgeous rose, starting out a deep orange and fading to salmon pink. The stems are strong enough to hold the large blooms upright. In our garden showing incredible disease resistance!
Our Sedona has a wonderfully rich fruity fragrance. It is also one of the most beautiful flowers of all the plants in our rose collection. Healthy, vigorous, and generous with huge, long lasting blooms. We're going to get another next spring. Wonderful!
Im in southern california and my Sedona has almost no smell. This is its 3rd year and this spring i happened to notice a very light fragrance. but now that its getting hot, its scentless again ????♀️
It's not, but I'd like to know which rose it is. It looks like a nice color.