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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 28 MAR 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 MAR 22 by ColleeninMhd
Your Allegra is beautiful. I just bought (ordered) Allegra and can not wait to see her grow. We are in Massachusetts, so hopefully we will have similar luck with Allegra. Love your photos. Colleen (zone 6a)
most recent 28 MAR 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 MAR 22 by ColleeninMhd
I just bought 3 Allegra’s! I can not wait to plant them. Of course it started to snow this morning. Your photos are beautiful and what helped inspire me to wait for Allegra to become available. Colleen (zone 6a, Massachusetts, US)
most recent 28 MAR 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 JUN 09 by Cavallo
First full season in the ground, and for such a small plant, it's blooming profusely. I've noticed the scent to be highly variable. Many of the blooms have smelled like Duchesse de Montebello with a sort of subtle, sweet, candy-like overlay. Early this morning, however, the most recent bloom to open smells powerfully and unmistakably of anise. I'd have said so even if I hadn't been expecting it based on the description here - it's that obvious. Very interesting. A rose to serve with absinthe!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 MAR 22 by ColleeninMhd
Based on your descriptions, I bought 3 Allegra to go under my sunroom! I would love to hear how yours are still doing. (As the snow still falls in Massachusetts). I am really looking forward to Allegra!
most recent 28 MAR 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 MAR 22 by ColleeninMhd
Rogue Valley Roses just made it available (restocked)! I am so excited!
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