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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 MAY HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAY by ColleeninMhd
I just received this rose from Grace Rose Farm. It is on a graft. I am interested in sharing notes with other gardeners. I do not know if it will be hardy in zone 6a. I also am not sure how big it will get. I hoped to find out here.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 27 MAY by Nastarana
What is your experience ordering from Grace? With rose plant and shipping prices rising, I want to be sure of receiving a healthy, correctly labelled plants before I purchase.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 27 MAY by ColleeninMhd
I personally will not be purchasing again from GRF for all the reasons you mentioned. I prefer to stick with business I feel more confident in, like Palatine.
most recent 27 MAY HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAY by ColleeninMhd
I just received this rose from Grace Rose Farm. It is on a graft. I am interested in sharing notes with other gardeners. I do not know if it will be hardy in zone 6a. I also am not sure how big it will get. I hoped to find out here.
most recent 4 FEB SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 JAN 18 by Idahoroselady
I love this rose. In my entire garden ( at the time was over 300 roses) it was my healthiest and favorite.
It has health, disease resistance, hardiness, fragrance and garden beauty!
I bought mine from Pat at Roses Unlimited and soon learned the history of this rose!
The clear pink color is so pure and beautiful.
Highly recommend this rose to beginners as well as old rosarians!
Reply #1 of 5 posted 9 JAN 22 by ColleeninMhd
I just bought Quietness. Can you tell me if it is a once blooming? Does it grow in a mounding form? How big and wide? I live in zone 6a and have no idea where I will be placing it. I have a morning sun spot I am thinking of. Any photos of the plant would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Colleen
Reply #2 of 5 posted 9 JAN 22 by ARRoseLady
Hi Colleen!
This garden was retired over 6 years ago and the roses were mostly all donated to rose society members and friends around the valley. What I remember if it as I said: Constant Bloomer, hardy, Fragrant, disease resistant and stunning garden rose. It looks like all the pictures that are in the files on HMF. I remember it being quite upright to 5 or 6 feet and 3-4 feet wide. This garden was also 6A and I never had issues with it! Hope that helps. All the best Amy Dohmen
Reply #3 of 5 posted 9 JAN 22 by ColleeninMhd
Amy, thank you so much for responding. How wonderful that your were able to find good homes for your Roses! Your information helps me a great deal. I was beginning to having made a few purchases from ARE because I couldn’t remember where I thought they should be placed. This helps me. Looking forward to posting my own photos someday.
Thanks again,
Reply #4 of 5 posted 9 JAN 22 by ARRoseLady
You are welcome! Anytime. My current garden is under the AzRoseLady! This one is kept because of the amount of rose information that is contained within. Thank you
Reply #5 of 5 posted 4 FEB by EllaPAz5
it blooms continuously. It's a perfect rose in my opinion. I bought 2 last year and am planting the 3rd this spring
most recent 15 JAN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JAN by ColleeninMhd
I am debating planting New Dawn in my zone 6 humid coastal Massachusetts garden. The area (my garage) faces east but my house obstructs it and shades it. The morning sun hits it up higher. Then around 1:00 it gets sun exposure until 5:00- from the South. The garage is white and pale yellow. I know a deeper pink would look best, but, I struggle to find one that checks all the boxes. I was hoping for a repeat bloomer. My kitchen window looks right at this area. I desire a hardy disease resistant (black spot can be a problem). I have grown honeysuckle and clematis for years in this area. They would have to all get along. Also, I have Earth Angel and Scepter Isle nearby, so I think New Dawn wouldn’t clash. Finally, there are deep blue hydrangeas and blueberries at the ground level. Kind of a New England cottage look. Do you think Nee Dawn is the way to go?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 14 JAN by Lee H.
You really can’t go wrong with New Dawn. I have them growing in several shaded and non-shaded Z6b areas, and they are pretty much unstoppable. Here’s the two on my garage, they get only about 5-6 hours direct sun.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 14 JAN by ColleeninMhd
Oh my goodness! Your roses are so beautiful and well trained! Thank you for sharing!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 15 JAN by Nastarana
Have you considered 'Parade'? It grows rapidly, with excellent repeat bloom. The color is a darker, brighter pink than ND.
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