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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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My Coyne
most recent 6 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 AUG 22 by My Coyne

I would like to get Francis Dubreuil from Heirloom own root. Heirloom list the plant is about 3 feet tall; however, HelpmeFind lists the plant height is 8 - 9 feet tall. This is a very big difference. If any one has this plant, please tell me how tall this plant can get at mature? Thank you.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 5 AUG 22 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
You need to look at 'Francis Dubreuil', in commerce as.

It is not a large grower. I grew it years ago, own-root it might go 2-3' tall once established.

It gets a bit larger when budded but no larger than most smaller HT's.

Look at the size listed by Heirloom.

Some believe this is actually the old HT, 'Barcelona'.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 6 AUG 22 by My Coyne
Thank you. Heirloom lists the height is about 3-4 ft. I am happy with small size. Thanks.
most recent 3 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 22 by My Coyne
I planted my Souvenir du President Lincoln last Fall (2021), own root, Zone 7b, US. This spring, it grew slowly; but in the summer (now), the plant has new shoots; leaves are healthy, and growing. However, no buds. I would like to ask if it is normal that this type of rose does not have bud in the first year. How long should I wait for buds and blooms? Thank you
Reply #1 of 4 posted 2 AUG 22 by Lee H.
I bought two bands of own-root SdPL from Burling in the fall of 2020, and actually had several blooms before the year was out. Next summer, I found that the plant I had in a somewhat shady area (ca. 40% shade) spent a lot of energy just throwing up 6 - 8 ft. blind canes, and had fewer blooms. This spring I moved it to a full sun position, and it is really thriving. No blind canes, much more compact and bushy, and covered in blooms through its first and second flush so far, and a third is just few weeks away. You might re-assess your position, if not in full sun.

I’m right at the 6a/b line.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 2 AUG 22 by My Coyne
Where is planted the rose does not have morning sun, but starting around 10:00 am it has its sun to 18:00. It is very sunny. The tallest cane is about 3 feet; lush with leaves. No flowers.

From your picture, it looks like it is a climber. I also bought it from Heirloom; it says the height is 6ft; but I would not think it is climber.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 2 AUG 22 by Lee H.
Thanks for becoming a premium member!
Oh, believe me, it WILL climb, given the chance. Here is a bloom picture of the other SdPL, planted near a beech tree, and doing its best to climb to the top…
Reply #4 of 4 posted 3 AUG 22 by My Coyne
OH NOOOOOO...... :-) :-)

Ok. Now, I will need to prepare for Monsieur Lincoln a place to climb. :-) and if he blooms. Haha.
most recent 2 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 22 by My Coyne
I planted my burlesque plants last Fall 2021, just before frost. So this Spring and Summer is really its first debut. The flowers have stripes, which I am not quite thrilled; I was thinking of the deep purple or deep fuchsia on Heirloom picture. (Oh yeah, I got the Burlesque own root from Heirloom). But I do love its fragrant; granted that I have to put my nose to the flower to smell its fragrance. I thought the fragrance it very distinct. I love it a lot.

I bought two plants.

My question is, while it is too young, and one plant is already more than 4 ft tall; this other one was about right (about 1 feet tall) . I am not really sure what it is.... I don't have room for climber. Does anyone experience that burlesque this tall, or must be pegged to the ground? Do I need to prune it? When should I prune it?

BTW I looked at the lineage of the plant it is seedling of Fourth of July (climber) x Diamond Eyes. I wonder if one of the plant has DNA variant of the climber parent Fourth of July. The other does not (which is about right for the description of 4 x 4 ft for height and width). This would be fun!

Thank you.
most recent 2 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 22 by My Coyne
I signed up to premium member but the profile keep saying "basic". I have logged out and logged back in, but the status not changed. What do I have to do?
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