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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Kim W Florida 10b Humid
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1 JUL 23
The huge Royal Poinciana tree in the front yard is gone. The 30' tall Plumeria has been pruned a slight bit to help shape it (was actually growing UNDER the Royal Poinciana, and so was lopsided). Stump of the RP was ground down and we have retraced the property lines. The area has a lot more sun now, in 2 weeks the grass has explosively grown. What once was a sand path is now mostly grass. Amazing. Re-designing that part of the garden bed system, trying to add layering to create interest and depth.
28 MAY 23
Ordered Plum Perfect, Moonlight Romantica, Celestial Nights and Kiss Me Kate from High Country Roses.
28 MAY 23
5/17/2023 Decision made to get a professional tree removal company to remove the huge Royal Poinciana tree in our front yard. It now straddles the property line. Our neighbor has asked several times if we would consider removing it. The neighbor has paid several thousand dollars to have companies come and 'trim' large branches off of it over the years. It's dangerous.
21 MAY 23
Ordering Ghislaine, Gartendirektor Otto Linne and Pomponella Fairy Tale all own root, from Long Ago Roses.
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