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Elestrial's Garden
most recent 13 OCT HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 OCT by Elestrial's Garden
Rose Listing Omission

Sunrise Parfuma

NEW! The Sunrise Parfuma® rose is a healthy, highly fragrant hybrid tea variety that bears large, full apricot-hued blooms. These blooms, borne mostly in solitary, begin as pointed ovoid buds that open to a gently cupped flower with blush-caramel coloured rosettes. This upright grower reaches 4′-5′ in height, with dark and shiny foliage. This highly decorated rose has won many awards, including the Nagaoka Gold Award and Most Fragrant Rose prize in 2018, the La Tacita First Prize in Fragrance in 2018, the Belfast Most Fragrant Rose or R. J. Frizzell Award in 2019, the Monaco Gold Medal in 2022, and the Australian Most Fragrant Rose, Bronze Medal, and Best Hybrid Tea awards in 2023.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 12 OCT by jedmar
We added 'Sunrise Parfuma' as a synonym to 'Grossherzogin Luise'.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 OCT by Margaret Furness
Perhaps it should be called Another Deja Vu. Yet another rose which has been around a long time (dated 2008), being presented to Australian gardeners as something new. Yes it should be trialled in Aus conditions before release, but for this long?
most recent 9 OCT HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 OCT by Elestrial's Garden
Rose Listing Omission

Caramel Kiss

New for 2025, Hybridized by Brad Jalbert

Caramel Kiss is one of the two roses created by Brad Jalbert to celebrate the 35th Year of Select Roses and Brad’s rose breeding program.

This stunning new rose has everything we look for in a rose. The colour is a wonderful shade of soft peachy caramel with a slight kiss of pink at the petals edge of the large oval buds. The amount of Kiss, is dependent on weather and temperature. You’ll love these large classic rose buds that pop open to full double HEAVILY ruffled roses! Such a wonderful unique form. More of an English style flower when fully open on modern healthy vigorous plant. Fragrance is a unique strong blend of anise, pear and leeche, DELICIOUS!.

Caramel Kiss has strong long cutting stems with a low thorn count and produces waves of blooms all season long! Her foliage is lush high gloss in the deepest green colour with above average health. Give this beauty room as she is a strong grower upto around 5 feet. Our trial plants have survived with little care and no special winter protection for many years.
most recent 21 JUL SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 AUG 19 by styrax
How is blackspot resistance for this rose on the East Coast of the US?
Reply #1 of 16 posted 25 OCT 23 by Elestrial's Garden
It's excellent - I don't spray and it doesn't have any black spot. 6b Pennsylvania here
Reply #2 of 16 posted 14 JUL by steve fritz
It contracts blackpot in my eastern North Carolina garden unless I spray regularly. It is robust and tries to grow through it. A powerhouse flower producer with great scent. The best white on the market.
Reply #3 of 16 posted 18 JUL by MADActuary
One could argue with that Steve. Have you tried Clouds of Glory and Soft Whisper ((not to mention Moonstone, Marlon's Day and Randy Scott)? I prefer these two over PJPII and I grow two bushes of each. COG is not quite as fragrant but grows better with longer, straighter stems and gives me more good blooms. Soft Whisper is equal in fragrance and a sturdy upright grower. The other three are really good exhibition varieties. I like PJPII but can't agree it's the best white on the market.
Reply #4 of 16 posted 18 JUL by steve fritz
I also own Soft Whisper. It is more susceptible to disease than JPII and not as fragtrant. Nor does it produce near the number of blooms. Nor is it white. And my comment concered John Paul II being the best white rose.

I am not familar with Clouds of Glory. It may be wonderful. But I am getting rid of my Soft Whisper this year and hanging on to my John Paul II.

It is pollen and seed fertile, but does both reluctantly. Soft Whisper is better at setting seeds than JPII.

Of course, we can only speak from limited experience and from our own gardens.
Reply #5 of 16 posted 18 JUL by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Steve, have you grown 'Honor'?

If so, how would you rate it?

One of my all time favorite whites is 'Pascali'.

Thanks, Robert
Reply #6 of 16 posted 18 JUL by steve fritz
Yes, I grew honor years ago, along with Pascali.

I loved Pascali more ...

But I think neither of them can compete with the combined qualities of Pope John Paul II.

I may have an exceptional plant, but my JPII produces huge numbers of near perfect, fragrant flowers. And my climate is often drought ridden with 95 degree heat. The flowers hardly shrink in size or number. It is a very impressive plant. I am trying to work a line breeding it with ICECAP. Hoping to eventually produce something close to JPII with disease resistance.

Imagine a disease free 'Iceberg' with powerful fragrance! We can dream...
Reply #7 of 16 posted 19 JUL by Robert Neil Rippetoe
I've never grown JPII

I do grow it's seed parent, Secret, which I like

I told Certified Roses they were wasting their time looking for a better white flori, because Iceberg will always outsell all other white floris because it's non-pat, easy to propagate and sold cheaply everywhere.

As for more recent fragrant white floris, I tried 'Bolero'. I hated it and tossed it out.
Reply #8 of 16 posted 19 JUL by steve fritz
I see by all your comments that you are a dedicated rosarian.

You must try JPII. I beleive it will be "THE WHITE ROSE" of this generation.
Reply #9 of 16 posted 19 JUL by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Thanks for your input Steve.

I've been growing/breeding roses for some time. HT's are not an emphasis for me.

As I already have 'Secret' established I may trying playing with that a bit.

Space and time are always at a premium.

Best Wishes, Robert
Reply #10 of 16 posted 19 JUL by Kathy Strong
Haha, we all have strong opinions don’t we?? I will chime in for Honor, I still like it. Second best would be Sugar Moon and then PJP II. For me it is the weird bulbous shape of PJP II that puts it in third. I have grown all of the discussed hybrid teas. For best white florrie, I abhor iceberg and like Moondance, Grand Prize and Easy Spirit (the best) and Pillow fight.
Reply #11 of 16 posted 19 JUL by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Hi Kathy, I'm guessing growing conditions account for many differences in opinion.

Yes, I still like Honor too. I think it's better for cutting than some others.

I also grow, and like, 'Easy Spirit'.

I hadn't considered, Moondance, Sugar Moon.

Now they are on my radar.

Thank you!
Reply #12 of 16 posted 20 JUL by Michael Garhart
The best white HT imo is 'Royal Philharmonic', but its not as fragrant. It's a real do'er, and it stays in its lane, unlike some HTs that grow whatever dimensions they please.

'Renaissance' is my favorite sniffer, but its very informal and has a blush to it. It's a heavy producer when mature. A love it and leave it type, which is preferable.

I am sure a lot of people like the white sport of 'Secret'.

Meilland has a white fragrant HT popular in Europe that I have yet to see. White Perfumella. Unsure how decent it is in North America. Etsy sells a similar 'Wedding Road', which is another Yves Piaget type like White Perfumella. They may or may not be the same rose or sisters. Its hard to tell with Etsy sourcing sometimes, but it seems to be a very popular white sniffer HT there.

Anyway, a lot to select from.
Reply #13 of 16 posted 20 JUL by steve fritz
My JPII is super robust. It's first flish of blooms are often a bit bulbous and overpacked with petals.

The individual flowers that come later are more perfect.

What distinguishes any rose from all other flowers is its fragrance.

A rose without fragrance is only half a rose.

And a rose with super fragrance (like JPII) is a rose and a half.
Reply #14 of 16 posted 20 JUL by MADActuary
Steve - it sounds like you have a super plant of PJPii - more power to you!. I have what I believe is a Super Plant of Dolly Parton. I have tow bushes of Pope John Paul II. Both from Palatine so both on multiflora rootstock. Both are good and I will not be replacing them anytime soon. I just have a few other whites that I like better.
Reply #15 of 16 posted 20 JUL by steve fritz
You are probably right.

I just lucked into a super-robust graft & rootstock of JPII. I think I got it from Palatine also.

However, my favorite commercial rose (at theast for this week) is Pinkerbell.

It is also robust, needs little or no spraying and gets pretty flowers.

There are too few of them for the size of the plant and they are a bit small and need more fragrance,
but it is fertile as both a seed and pollen parent and its hardiness cannot be overlooked.

I say "commerical rose" because I also breed roses and have developed a few that I think are stellar.

I have not yet tried to find a distributor for them. But at my age, I can't wait around too
much longer.
Reply #16 of 16 posted 21 JUL by Robert Neil Rippetoe
I've got some on the market. Getting your foot in the door takes at least several years, timing, and luck.

After you're in with a grower it gets easier, but even then the competition is overwhelming. We are competing with literally dozens of world class entities.

A stellar rose in one climate may not be stellar elsewhere.

Some very mediocre roses make it to market and other excellent ones are never offered. There are myriads of reasons why.

I also like 'Pinkerbelle'. I've heard some clones get several feet tall. Mine has always stayed in the 2' range, and yes, it has good fertility
most recent 10 FEB 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 FEB 24 by Elestrial's Garden
Available from - Heirloom Roses
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