HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 11 MAR 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 MAR 11 by SGB827
Hi PLEASE!!!! Where can I buy this rose?!!!!! I am hunting for this 'kind' of old rose, that is simple to grow,have small fluffy blooms and will grow in the deep south,so I am told. THIS one seems to be the one I am searching for. So...were can I buy it?
Reply #1 of 5 posted 4 MAR 11 by HMF Admin
See the HOW DO I button for help on locating a source for a plant.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 5 MAR 11 by SGB827
I thank you. BUT...I just went to it.and like I saw when I found this place, it says to 'fine the How to find a Rose' section. Well i clicked on that...and got THAT message. I went to that 'FAQ section', I went to the place that you said, and that is where i found the 'How do I find a rose I want' or something like that..and IT said...'once you find , 'How do i find a rose'.....well I clicked on that, and I get THAT message ,to go to 'How to find a rose you are looking for'; Its a circle. I get no where. I am missing something here. HELP! Please anyone. I get no where going to 'How do I find a rose I am looking for'. When I go to the 'How do I....' section. Its just an endless loop. It doesnt lead anywhere.

And how do I put a post in, the 'rose cutting/exchange section? Or CAN I post in there? Or is there some procedure to do it that I am not filling out? I am lost and stuck :(.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 5 MAR 11 by HMF Admin
The "How do I look up a plant ?" section found on the HOW DO I... button will explain how to look up a particular plant. Once you've found your plant just click the BUY FROM tab to see a list of nurseries selling that plant.

Good luck !
Reply #4 of 5 posted 5 MAR 11 by RoseBlush
OK... Let me help. On the left of side of the screen you will see what we call the NAVIGATION BAR. Click on the SEARCH / LOOKUP ... this will bring you to the SEARCH page. There's a box where you can enter the rose name. There's also a drop down box where you can select how you want to search. The BEST MATCH is the default option. You can use BEGINS WITH and enter few letters of the rose name and the system will give you a list of links with roses starting with those letters. Or you can use CONTAINS and enter part of the rose name. For Caldwell Pink', you could enter "ell pi", the system may show you a list of roses that has "ell pi" (including the space) in their name. When you see the list of results from any of the searches, just click on the rose name you want. That will take you to the rose page for that rose in the database.

When you get to the rose page, you will see some tabs at the top of the page. On the far right, you'll find the BUY FROM tab. When you click on that tab, nurseries that have included the rose in their inventory are shown. Sponsoring nurseries are listed first, and then you can click a button at the bottom of the page to see other nurseries that have reported that they included the rose in their inventory.

The cutting exchange is a convenience HMF offers to site users. Once you are on the rose page, click on the CUTTINGS tab. If you want cuttings from someone who has listed that they HAVE cuttings, click on their name and that will take you to their MEMBER page and you can send them a private message (PM) about wanting the cutting they have offered. For non-premium members, there is a limit of three private messages allowed by the system, so you may want to include a contact email addy in your message. (HMF will never give out your email address.) Whatever arrangements you make are between you and the other member. Often this will include timing and shipping costs, but all of that is between you and the other member.

I hope this helps.

Reply #5 of 5 posted 11 MAR 11 by anonymous-522515
Caldwell Pink is a great rose in my garden, even with abuse! I got mine from Great company in Tyler Tx. Great healthy plants and shipping rates are good. I get all my EarthKind roses from them.
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