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6 MAY 20
Roses for shade with pics. in below link:
2 SEP 18
Most fragrant roses compiled from Houzz (Gardenweb):
Tiffany (lemon grass & light scent for some), jubilee celebration, white licorice, Damaris, Prosperity, Ann Boyle, Vineyard song (wafting scent), Young Lycidas, Dee-lish, dames de chenoceau, Jadis, Princess Charlene de Monaco (can smell from far way), Acapella (banana), Ebb Tide, Beverly, Sonia Rykiel, Maggie (wafting scent), Rosemary Harkness, Brother Cadfael, and Mary magdalene scent is better than Ambridge rose, Lemon Spice, St. Ethelburga, Eternal Flame, Rouge Royal, Gold Medal (better scent than Double Delight). Royal sunset (climbing) is a strong wafter, Sharifa asma and Quietness, Apothecary and Baltimore Belle for wafting far way, Ivory Fashion & Pink Chiffon & Apricot Nectar (all last long in a vase), Easy going (thorny), Surpassing Beauty (hybrid perpetual), Westerland (better than double delight), Winter Sunset.

by jeffcat
WS2000-(strong old rose/violets)
Pat Austin-(medium tea)
Graham Thomas-(strong apple/citrus)
Zephirine Drouhin-(strong rasberry)" jeffcat.

cdalebnokla wrote: most fragrant
* Margaret Merril (Completely Fresh Smell)
* Typhoo Tea (Pure Citrus Smell)
* Magnificent Perfume (Sweet Expensive Perfume Smell)

by Al Mitchell zone 5b (ameri2nal)
I grow over 150 varieties mainly for fragrance and my winners are:
My Strongest Red- Either Crimson Glory or Papa Meilland
My Strongest White- Pope John Paul 2 or Helena Renaissance
My Strongest light Pink- Either Sharifa Asma or Yolande D'Aragon
Strongest Dark Pink- Peter Mayle
My Strongest Orange- Sutters Gold
My Strongest Yellow- Lemon Spice (hands down.)
My Strongest Purple- Barbara Streisand or Intrigue
Strongest Pink Blend- Typhoo Tea or Double Delight
Strongest yellow Blend- Bel'aroma
Strongest Orange Blend- Fragrant Cloud" Al Mitchell in zone 5

by BenT_Texas: Tahitian Sunset was fabulous and complex, a strong scent of myrrh, rose and jasmine & Acapella and Sugar Moon too, three new roses for me, each with unique and wonderful scent." BenT(8A Dallas TX)

by Carol in Canada: "Radox Bouquet - Chandos Beauty - Betty White - The McCartney Rose - Peter Mayle - Perfume Delight- Memorial Day - Acapella".

by Luxrosa: "for I've smelled thousands of different roses, though I've only grown c. 250 different types.
'Papa Meilland' or William Shakespeare 2000' for the most fragrant red rose. Compte de Chambord' for pink. Westside Road Cream Tea' for white, and R. moschata, for when the bush is in bloom although though the white blossoms are small, the fragrance from hundreds of those dainty blossoms wafts and carries for several yards around the rosebush.
. If I had a walled-in rose courtyard, brick comes to mind, I would plant R. moschata in the center so the entire garden would smell sweetly of Musk Rose.
Two equally fragrant yellow roses: Etoille de Lyon, ( the scent has been described as "delicious" by an author, to me it smells of honeysuckle and Chantilly cream. 'Lemon Spice', smells of lemon zest, cloves and nutmeg, oh yum. Mauve: 'Intrigue' - written by Luxrosa in Gardenweb.

by Christopher in New Jersey: "Interestingly, the roses whose fragrance carries the farthest (i.e. "wafters") tend to be less intensely scented up-close (except, perhaps, for 'R. moschata' and "Secret Garden Musk Climber", which succeed at both). The winners here would be mostly Multiflora-derived (and my handful of Moschata-derived): 'Bubble Bath', 'Clotilde Soupert', "Darlow's Enigma", 'Marie Pavie', 'Mlle Blanche Lafitte', 'Perle d'Or', 'Reverend Seidel', 'Rosa moschata', and "Secret Garden Musk Climber"." Christopher or Aqua Eyes in NJ
2 SEP 18
jpw_chi(5b Chicago, IL)
Most fragrant roses by number of votes from Gardenweb, compiled by Jim W. on Nov. 2007

23x Double Delight (creamy white swirled with strawberry red)
23x Mr. Lincoln (dark red)
15x Fragrant Cloud (coral red)
13x Chrysler Imperial (burgundy red)
13x Gertrude Jekyll (rose pink)
13x Jude the Obscure (honey)
10x Crimson Glory
10x Lemon Spice (patel yellow tinted pale pink)
9x Abraham Darby (Austin, apricot blend)
9x Francis Dubruiel (dark true red)
9x Papa Meilland (dark red)
8x Evelyn (Austin, apricot pink blend)
8x Heirloom (dark mauve blend)
8x Rose de Rescht (vivid fuchsia)
8x Secret (white tipped pink)
8x Sharifa Asma (Austin, pearly pink)
8x Sunsprite (bright yellow)
8x Sweet Chariot (purple blend)
8x Tiffany (pink/yellow blend)
7x Angel Face (1968, dusky mauve)
7x Melody Parfumee (deep plum fading to clear lavender)
7x The McCartney Rose (ruffled, few petals)
7x Yves Piaget (Romantica, hot pink)
6x Granada (yellow, orange, scarlet tricolor)
6x Just Joey (clear apricot) 6x Mirandy
6x Scentimental (white striped with red)
6x Secret Garden Musk Climber
6x Zephirine Drouhin (cerise pink)

Jim W. on November, 2007
21 AUG 18
Jean Marion wrote: "Out of all of my Austins, the only one I can put in a vase and have it not fall apart is William Shakespeare 2000. Wonderful smell and all around good plant.

My other Austins (Abraham Darby, Lichfield Angel, Lilian Austin, Molineux, Prospero) smell nice but fall apart quickly once in the house.
I only have 11 hybrid teas, try to stick with the ones that don't grow too tall and have long lasting blooms. Of those the only ones I would consider bringing inside are: (Chicago Peace, Fragrant Cloud, Gina Lollobrigida, Ingrid Bergman, Neptune, and Yves Piaget).
My fragrant ones I would consider bringing inside: (Rose de Rescht, America, Belinda's Dream, Cotillion, Shocking Blue), however they don't last as long as say (Tournament of Roses or Lavaglut), both of which have no fragrance but last forever in the vase." Jean
Roses with no scent but last long in the vase: Caramel Antike
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