Initial post
19 OCT 20 by
Rose Listing Omission
RBG - New Mini Flora yb from Wisconsin Roses
The first response I posted appears to have gone off into the atmosphere, so let's try a second... I have created the rose page for RBG, Steve. I have emailed you the database entry check boxes for you to provide the descriptive information you wish listed. Please look it over and send me the information you desire so I can complete the rose page listing. Thanks, Kim
Initial post
18 OCT 20 by
How do I upload a photo of (mine in my library) to the main viewing section? Been awhile since I've done it, and help does not explain?
Best, Steve....
Hi Steve, I've not posted photos anywhere no one else could see them, so I'm not sure how to tell you to move it elsewhere, but if you still have the photo on a thumb drive or disk, you should be able to just upload it to the photo section on the rose's page. If you don't, you could take a screen shot of the photo, crop and save it to your computer then upload it to the rose page. Hopefully, that gives you a few ideas.
#2 of 5 posted
18 OCT 20 by
I was able to upload my new photos to my help me find account (photo) page, but can't figure how to add a new entry to see them on the site? Thought somebody running the site would advise... Did this before, seemed pretty easy, but its been awhile and now I'm confused :)
Are you meaning the photos are of new varieties so there aren't rose pages for them?
#4 of 5 posted
18 OCT 20 by
Yes, I have a new variety I've got the photo in my HMF library, but can't seem to get it listed? If I go to new/recent tab I see them, but if I search for them, on search/lookup they are not there?
On the left side of your HMF screen, in the tabs under "Plants", do you have "Missing Plant"? If you do, you can add the new variety using that. If you don't, I can add it for you if you'd like.
Initial post
24 MAR 18 by
Was trying to upload my photo of Folkmagic, which I did, but somehow changed my name in the place the rose name should be, tried to fix, but could not figure how? Name should be Steve, NOT Folkmagic :)
thanks, Steve....
Initial post
1 JUN 06 by
Color can vary from an almost white with pink edges to a very infused pink when shaded as the Wi roses photo displays.