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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 2 AUG 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 JUL 04 by Annie11
I've had Polka for three years and love it! It has minimal tip dieback in my zone 5 midwest garden. Blooms are beautiful and have a light fruity smell. They last long in a vase too! Highly recommended!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 AUG 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thanks for the info. on vase life.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 2 AUG 17 by Nastarana
How big does the bush grow for you?
most recent 7 FEB 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 AUG 05 by Annie11
I have found this rose balls when it is humid. If you have trouble with this rose balling, you can get the blooms to open by pressing the outer petals down and out. The rest of the bloom can then expand.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 17 SEP 10 by Aurelija D.
Yup, balls in wet and cooler weather, seems to do well in hot weather though.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 5 FEB 11 by Suzanne
I have the same problem with my red's three years old, (in the middle of Kansas,) and puts on wonderful, fat buds, but they just sit there and turn brown. So, I help them along by squeezing the buds, and it helps, but not all that well. It is under a large old tree, about 10 feet from the trunk and gets at least 5 hours of afternoon sun, but I thought maybe if I moved it to an all sunny location???? Does anyone think this will help, or just more work than it is worth? Other than the balling, the plant itself is very healthy, very strong canes and no leaf problems. Spring is approaching and I want to make a decision soon. Should I leave it--or move it--or....? Thanks!
Reply #3 of 4 posted 5 FEB 11 by Aurelija D.
Generally roses do better with more sun, but I am not sure if that can solve the balling issue.At least here it all depends on weather patterns rather than position in the garden (my Red Eden is in full sun, still balls in rainy weather).
Reply #4 of 4 posted 7 FEB 11 by Suzanne
Thanks for your reply! I have a small mauve rose called Simply Marvelous that does the same thing in spring, but in the heat and dryness of summer, it thrives and the blooms are gorgeous. It has full sun all the time. I cut the Red Eden way back last fall just before the winter set in, so I guess I'll see what it does this year. Thanx!
most recent 28 APR 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 APR 06 by Annie11
Just to second Heidi's warning about tenderness on this one.  I'm in zone 5, planted the bud union deeply and covered with several inches of woodchips for the winter, but it still barely survived.  Just one cane coming up from the base this year.  I definitely recommend planting this one in a protected spot. Gorgeous rose though!
most recent 7 FEB 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 FEB 06 by Annie11
I just wanted to thank you for contributing such beautiful photos. I have been coming to HMF for a couple of years now, and find that I almost always select your photos first! You really are a gifted gardener and photographer.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 FEB 06 by Henrique R. Vivián
I'm glad you like my photos and gardening. Annie, you should increase your garden beause you have beautiful photos. I mainly like the brightness of your "Paradise". Thank you.

Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 FEB 06 by HMF Admin
Amen !!

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