HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Carolyn Parker
most recent 28 MAY 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 MAY 20 by Carolyn Parker
Hi dear Helpmefind crew,

I wish I knew who you all are. We may have met even. I am doing a blog post about the great value of helpmefind to rose lovers and wonder if I could ask you a few questions.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Carolyn parker
Reply #1 of 8 posted 25 MAY 20 by Puns 'n' Roses
I want to chime in on this: Yes, I'd like to know, too. The lack of transparency as to who manages and owns the site has always bothered me slightly, especially since most users of the site are quite open about their personal details, like where they live, and even their real names. I do like to know whose work I enjoy and also who I pay to do the work.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 26 MAY 20 by RoseBlush
You may be interested in this Ezine article posted in August 2007
Reply #2 of 8 posted 26 MAY 20 by billy teabag
I’m sure others will reply but some of the answers to your questions can be found under ‘about us’ under ‘site features’ :
“Our Mission
HelpMeFind is all about providing the tools to collect, organize, and present information about roses, peonies and clematis and everything related to them. It's about pooling the resources of the rose and gardening community by each of us sharing our experience and knowledge.

Our Beginning
HelpMeFind was founded in 1997 by two people. One an avid and enthusiastic rose gardener and the other a computer software engineer. Together they envisioned a database-driven internet site all about roses and everything to do with roses and which would collect, organize and present the knowledge and expertise of companies and individuals from around the world.

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COPYRIGHT 2020 by HELPMEFIND.COM - All rights reserved.
Use or reproduction of all content found on HelpMeFind requires written permission.

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HelpMeFind's privacy policy is very simple - we do not sell, rent or share your personal information with outside parties. Information you provide to HelpMeFind is for your website use convenience only.
For registered site guests we use a browser "cookie" which identifies you to HelpMeFind (only) so you need not sign in manually everytime you return. This is purely for your convenience.”

I personally find HMF to be a most remarkable and rare thing. It’s a site with no advertising and no agenda beyond providing “A tool to collect, organise and share the knowledge and expertise of the rose community around the world”. Rose lovers have quietly contributed to its phenomenal data base by adding references and photos and observations and answers to questions over the past two decades. This is entirely voluntary. A few exceptional individuals add new references and reply to queries almost every day. They are not paid to do this and don’t receive any other reward for this beyond the satisfaction of making information easily available to others. Others, like myself, contribute when they can. I use HMF Roses often, add new references when I can, and reply to queries if I have anything useful to share and I do it for the same reason. This is something any member of the HMF community can do.
One of the things I most appreciate about HMF Roses is that every person’s experience, observations and work is welcome and valued. There is not a culture of experts other than the value of all members’ expertise. Big egos and competitive people do not find HMF particularly sustaining.
It is a place where ideas and theories can be freely discussed, where errors can be questioned and where knowledge can be pushed forward through the shared contribution of people who are passionately interested in roses.

I am incredibly grateful that HMF Roses has been created and nurtured and that a series of remarkable volunteers have helped it grow into such a useful tool for rose lovers.
Billy West, Perth, Western Australia.
Reply #3 of 8 posted 26 MAY 20 by Patricia Routley
I couldn’t have said it better myself Billy. As one of the volunteers, I am very happy to have played my part and just do a little, every single day. Always seeking truth. The beauty comes as a bonus. A devotee of the founders this site for all our benefit. They give/gave so much that our part seems small.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 27 MAY 20 by HMF Admin
Patricia ... "played my part" is an understatement to say the least. Your years of devoted participation has meant more to HelpMeFind then you know - a true friend of HelpMeFind and its community.
Reply #5 of 8 posted 27 MAY 20 by HMF Admin
Such kind words of appreciation Billy. It is people like yourself that HelpMeFind is all about - a collective gardening resource to share and enjoy made better everyday with community participation guided and encouraged by behind-the-scene moderators like you. HelpMeFind lives on by the grace of its moderators past and present.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 27 MAY 20 by Girija and Viru
We agree wholeheartedly with what Billy writes. HMF is an admirable resource for rose people, any query, any doubt can be asked and experts replies will be forthcoming, when one wants to have fuller information about a rose, one immediately looks up HMF to get the information. HMF plays a very valuable role in the rose world, and is a great asset, to be nurtured by all rosarians.
Thank you HMF for all that you and your band of volunteers do

Girija and Viru Viraraghavan
Reply #8 of 8 posted 28 MAY 20 by jedmar
Hi Carolyn, I see no issue to answer for myself. Yes, we are friends on fb. I am Behcet Ciragan, volunteer admin or moderator of HMF since over a dozen years, avid researcher, almost 69 years old, meanwhile retired and since 2017 president of the Swiss Rose Lovers' Society. Me and my wife have two gardens in Switzerland and in France, where we collect and grow roses (and other plants) without using any chemicals. You can find more on my fb page Ciragan Behcet. My wife posts on fb as Margareta Ciragan.
most recent 7 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAY 15 by Carolyn Parker
this is Climbing Cecile Brunner
most recent 14 JUN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUN 14 by Carolyn Parker
yes, it is Climbing CB and I will move it when I have a chance
most recent 14 JUN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUN 14 by Carolyn Parker
sorry, I didn't see the comment, it is climbing CB and I'll move it when I have a chance
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