'Fortune's Double Yellow' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
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Yellow blend Species. Exhibition name: Fortune's Double Yellow
China, Cl., Hybrid Gigantea, Hybrid Noisette, Miscellaneous OGR, Species Cross.
Yellow to salmon-pink, copper shading. Sweet fragrance. Average diameter 3.5". Semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer. Medium, pointed buds.
Armed with thorns / prickles, climbing.
Height: 8'2" to 39'4" (250 to 1200cm). Width: 4'11" (150cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Very vigorous. can be grown as a shrub. can be trained as a climber. prefers warmer sites. Prune dead wood.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Rosa sinica cv. 'Fortunes yellow' Regel (1878) Rosa X odorata pseudindica (Lindl.) Rehd. Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 1915(24): 221 221 1916.
A new study from 2011 assigns the Name Rosa odorata var. pseudindica to 'Park's Yellow Tea.scented China', based on the original description by Lindley in 1820, i.e prior to the importation by John Parks and Robert Fortune, resp.. The description by Rehder in 1915 does not correlate with the "deep yellow" colour stated by Lindley.
Paul Barden says FDY is largely infertile as a female parent, but highly fertile as a male.
'Fortune's Double Yellow' was falsely re-introduced as 'Beauty of Glatzenwood' by a Mr. Woodthorpe in the UK.