'Isabella Sprunt' rose Reviews & Comments
Trying to identify a couple yellow teas I purchased several years ago. I believe I have Isabella Sprunt. My blooms ball after a very heavy rain. Do yours? If not, ideas? Lovely plant and superb flowers.
I don’t think my ‘Isabella Sprunt’ balls at all. You might like to take a look at the Australian foundling “Jane Cranston” for some name clues in the main page and Members Comments.
#2 of 18 posted
29 DEC 20 by
'Alexander Hill Gray', although more double, is a similar colour to 'Isabella Sprunt' and it balls. Maybe check that variety out as well.
I don't think "Jane Cranston" and Isabella Sprunt have enough petals to ball much.
It must be Alexander Hill Gray then. That was one of the other varieties I was considering. Many thanks.
#5 of 18 posted
29 DEC 20 by
Digdahlias, is it possible to post photos of your mystery rose? It might be something else altogether.
I had two little blooms - the rest of them balled the other day after a rainstorm. Here’s the best image I could get this evening. Plants I was looking at a few years ago include Alexander Hill Grey, Blumenschmidt, Isabella Sprunt among others. I have another yellow tea that doesn’t ball - I’ll post that pic later so not to confuse anything.
It would be nice to have side views of the receptacle (the bit under the bud) and the prickles, for both roses. It might be worth looking at Souvenir de Pierre Notting for this one - it can ball. The other one is pretty.
Hopefully I’ve captured more info in this photo. Thank you to everyone for your input. Stacey
I think it is ’ Étoile de Lyon’ or maybe ’ Perle des Jardins ’
The receptacle of ‘Etoile de Lyon’ in the book Tea Roses, page 99, is much more straight-sided than digdahlias’ photo. ‘Perle des Jardins’ is a notorious baller.
It very well may be Perle des Jardin. That was one I was considering when I ordered this batch of roses several years ago.
Since we are here, can i Ask if ’Isabella Sprunt ’ can get more similar in colour to Safrano, in some specific metereological situations, or it is always yellowish? Thanks
In hot weather, both Safrano and Isabella Sprunt can be very pale, with their colours washed out, but in cooler weather, their individual colours intensify. If your Isabella Sprunt is producing blooms in shades of buff or apricot, it may be showing a reversion to Safrano. If you have access to Tea Roses. Old Roses for Warm Gardens, there is a photo of this on page 181.
The rose i m not sure it is ’ Isabella Sprunt’ it is in Boccanegra , an old plant . Growth is identical to ’ Safrano’ and the colour is identical to ’Isabella’ in every season, except in may. Where colours tend to be more similar to ’ Safrano ’ . Experience have told me to be careful with teas and pictures, especially if grown in different climates .Are they Other mutations of Safrano apart from ’Isabella ’thanks
This is my other mystery tea that doesn’t ball. Blooms are lighter and more lemon yellow that’s the other.
This rose looks very much like Isabella Sprunt.
I’ m not really convinced this one which does not ball is ‘ Isabella ‘ it looks more like a seedling with Safrano ,by looking at the shape of the petals and of the leaves. The influence of ‘Safrano ‘ is evident, but it looks more like a seedling
Alexander Hill Gray is a thornless rose, so it's a useful feature to rule this variety in or out as a contender.
I have read that 'Safrano' varies from full to semi-double. Is 'Isabella Sprunt' as variable in petalage, or consistently semi-double?
It is as variable as Safrano, CybeRose. The higher the temperature, the fewer the petals. In hot weather, not only do the blooms have fewer petals, the petals have less substance and lustre. The blooms tend to be smaller and pass from bud to spent bloom very quickly. In cooler weather it all happens more slowly. The blooms tend to be larger, they have many more petals and the petals are more substantial and lustrous. In our climate (hot summers, mild winters) both Safrano and Isabella Sprunt produce their fullest and loveliest blooms in winter
#2 of 2 posted
9 DEC 19 by
Thanks, Billy. I'm looking forward to getting my own Isabella Sprint. Karl
I don't know why Isabella Sprunt and Safrano are'nt designated as Earthkind roses. Both seem immune to blackspot and disease, they're drought tolerant, vigorous and tough. Clay soil with bad drainage doesn't seem to bother them. They bloom close to 10 months a year in the Houston area and I love the winter blooms, they are very special to me. Also neither rose has problems with balling in humidity or after rain. I love them!
The Garden 17: 398 (May 1, 1880)
Among the many letters I received in respect to inquiries, is one from the Rev. James M. Sprunt, Kenansville, and is of such interest that I insert it as it came to me:— "I am in receipt," says Mr. Sprunt, "of yours of the 29th ult., asking for some particulars relative to the origin of the Roses James and Isabella Sprunt. In the spring of 1865 I removed from my former residence in this town to the premises on which I now reside. Among the plants which I carried with me was a very large and handsome Saffrano Rose. It had been trained to a single stem, fully 2 in. in diameter, and forming a symmetrical head about 4 ft. from the ground. I pruned it well back, but the early summer being dry, the top died. The plant, however, put forth six or eight strong shoots from the collar at the surface of the soil, and one of these attracted my attention from its dissimilarity to the others in the colour of the stem and foliage. I observed it carefully until it bloomed, when it proved to be a fine yellow, all the other shoots retaining the normal colour of the Saffrano. From this sport, which was named Isabella Sprunt, after one of my daughters, I sent cuttings to Mr. Isaac Buchanan, of New York, in I860, and it was sent out by him some two or three years afterwards, I think before the close of the war, though I heard nothing concerning it till 1865. [By referring to old files of the Country Gentleman, we find Mr. Buchanan first offered this for sale in 1860.] I may add that in the winter of 1856 I took up the old plant, and sawed the stock into five or six pieces, being careful to get a good share of the root to the yellow shoot; that plant still lives, and is quite constant, though it has had perhaps two or three Saffrano flowers, certainly one; and besides, about two years ago there was a fully developed bud and flower, exactly one-half of which was like Saffrano, and the other half like Isabella Sprunt. I tried to fix this new sport, but it produced afterwards only yellow flowers. About the same time (1855) I divided some strong plants of Agrippina and planted them at my new home. Two or three years later I observed a single shoot from one of these plants growing vigorously without flowers or branches, and as I observed it from time to time, it continued until it measured over 15 ft. before it showed any buds, the rest of the plant retaining its normal characteristics. This shoot branched out very freely the following year, and cuttings retained the same habit invariably. I came to the conclusion that this was not a sport, but a chance seedling, as the flowers were so very unlike the parent, and the roots were so matted together, that I could not determine whether it proceed from the old root or not without taking up the whole plant, which I was unwilling to do. But the wonderful thing is that after the rest of the plant had for years retained its original habit and flowers, gradually it began to change, until the whole is now like the James Sprunt in growth and flower, and no part of the Agrippina remains. I have written you this statement that you may judge for yourself, my own opinion having changed more than once." Safrano is, therefore, without doubt, a sport, arising from one of those strange freaks in which Nature occasionally indulges. About James Sprunt there is less certainty, but I consider it also to be a sport; it is like Agrippina, only with more substance of flower, and greater vigour of growth. The theory of evolution would point towards this as an example of how Nature tends towards progression and improvement as well as towards variation.