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Articles (HMF Ezine)

Article (HMF Ezine) published Apr 2000.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

1 favorite vote.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published Apr 2002.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

How to become a Rose Expert.

Spelling Is Important!

Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 2007.

Authored by

James Delahanty

One of our most popular authors, Jim Delahanty, is back this month with an article you are sure to want to read before rushing to the nursery for commercial solutions to some common disease and pest problems.  Besides that, Jim's articles are just plain fun to read.

11 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 2000.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

Growing 'Claire Rose' in Australia. 'Black Magic'.

3 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 2001.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

Items of interest to rosarians.

4 favorite votes.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 2002.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

Informative bits that rose fanatics might find interesting.

Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 2002.

Authored by

Alex Sutton

Interesting bits and pieces that have come to our attention.

1 favorite vote.  

Article (HMF Ezine) published May 2002.

Authored by

Fran Cleland

Fran Cleland grows roses in Australia and brings us up-to-date with what's happening rose-wise in her part of the world.

Article (HMF Ezine) published Jun 2005.

Authored by

Robert Neil Rippetoe

Robert chronicles his work with Banksia Hybrids and his resulting introductions. HMF is pleased to feature his work after a long hiatus from our Ezine.

15 favorite votes.  Average rating:


Article (HMF Ezine) published Aug 2007.

Authored by

Robert Neil Rippetoe

Robert is back with a follow up to his last article Banksia Hybrids, A New Beginning. Hybridizers will obviously be eager to learn more about Robert's work, but even those of you having little to do with breeding roses will find this very interesting as Robert discusses critical decisions and the reasons behind them. It will certainly make you appreciate your favorite modern roses more.

4 favorite votes.  

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