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Discussion id : 127-906
most recent 4 JUN 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAY 21 by Dusan
What rose variations is good for maceration, jams, liqueur and similar food products.

Thank you.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 31 MAY 21 by jedmar
Traditionally it is Rosa damascena or Rosa centifolia, which are only once-blooming in early summer. However, other old garden roses with strong fragrance such as Rose de Resht and Madame Isaac Pereire can also be used. Some people also use repeat-blooming Austin roses, such as Gertrude Jekyll or Graham Thomas. With the latter, it is possible to have yellow-coloured jams. In any case, the roses used should not have been treated with chemicals.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 31 MAY 21 by scvirginia
I also recall reading that in some Asian countries 'Gruss an Teplitz' is used commercially for making jam.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 31 MAY 21 by Margaret Furness
Mr Lincoln was used to make a rose vodka in South Australia; it sold very well but the distillery stopped making it, because the rose scent tainted other drinks they were producing. There were plans to import Mr Lincoln petals into China for food products.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 1 JUN 21 by Dusan
This is good variation list.

One more question. Does all strong fragrant roses can be used for maceration? Or just some keep fragrance?
Reply #5 of 6 posted 1 JUN 21 by jedmar
I believe so, although I have not tried it. The usual manner with Damask roses, is to pick them early in the morning before 10 am and process immediately. Fragrance gets lost if the petals stay around too long.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 4 JUN 21 by Dusan
Thank you people a lot!
Discussion id : 122-373
most recent 3 JUL 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 JUN 20 by Andrew from Dolton
Does anyone know what this rose might be? It is growing in several gardens in my village in Devon, UK. It grows in a similar way to 'Dorothy Perkins' or 'Excelsa'. The flowers open light pink but fade to white. The occasional flower has a few darker pink petals others with a few white petals
Reply #1 of 8 posted 29 JUN 20 by Palustris
Andrew, that's the closest rose yet to 'Debutante' that you have found. Check out the pedicels on your found rose and compare them to the photos of 'Debutante' taken in Woods Hole, MA.
Reply #2 of 8 posted 29 JUN 20 by Andrew from Dolton
Thank you. But it is quite different to the 'Debutante' we grow in the UK
Reply #3 of 8 posted 29 JUN 20 by Palustris
Andrew, I know that. That's why I thought you would be interested in comparing your found rose to the 'Debutante' that has a provenance directly to Walsh and has been growing in the same spot for 100 years.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 2 JUL 20 by Andrew from Dolton
Do you think this rose could be 'White Dorothy Perkins'?
Reply #5 of 8 posted 2 JUL 20 by Palustris
The easiest method to determine 'White Dorothy' is to look for it to sport back and forth from white to pink. Another marker for both Dorothies is to look at the new growth. It is generally a "bronze" color. The flower in the photo doesn't look dark enough pink to be pink 'Dorothy Perkins'. I don't recall seeing varying shades of white to pink. I think they are generally either white or bubblegum pink. Finally, check out the pedicels; the Dorothies might have a few tiny hairs, but never a profusion of bristles.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 2 JUL 20 by Andrew from Dolton
Is this too hairy? It does have the odd flower with a few darker pink flowers (No 5 picture in my first post) but the colour looks too dark for 'Dorothy Perkins'.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 2 JUL 20 by Palustris
Check out the pedicels of DP here:
Reply #8 of 8 posted 3 JUL 20 by Andrew from Dolton
Discussion id : 94-344
most recent 9 AUG 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 AUG 16 by Nicky94
Hello, HMF!

I am searching for an old, historical rose by the name of the Mrs. Florence G. Harding rose, to plant in the garden of the former President's Home in Ohio, as part of a historic restoration. The HMF page does not list it as commercially available, and I have contacted numerous historic gardens and even a few horticulture groups. I've learned that this rose, a Deep Pink Hybrid Tea is a sport of an even older rose, Columbia (1916, also on HMF). This rose is listed as commercially available, but the antique rose shop that sold it had its last rose perish in a drought, and no cuts of the rose took.

So my question is if anyone grows this rose- or the Mrs. Florence Harding rose, or knows otherwise where I could find it? Can you help me find it?

Thank you!
Reply #1 of 5 posted 9 AUG 16 by Jay-Jay
You mean Mrs. Warren G. Harding?
It's still in Europe in Sangerhausen / Europarosarium Sangerhausen.
You might contact them... but to get bud-wood to the States is very hard and Import Duties very costly!
Reply #2 of 5 posted 9 AUG 16 by Nicky94
Oops.. I do mean Mrs. Warren G. Harding, thank you. The "Florence Harding rose" is what we originally called it until we found more information on it. Based on the name, I'm guessing in Germany or Switzerland? The goal is to have the garden restored for for the centennial of the Harding Presidency, so luckily there is still time. It was also suggested to me that I check for the parent rose in Portland's International Rose Test Garden. Thank you for the response.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 9 AUG 16 by Jay-Jay
You're welcome!
Sangerhausen is in Germany. If You would like to have bud-wood... it's already a bit late in the season, but when You contact them and in the meantime make arrangements about importing it and who is gonna bud them on a rootstock for You, You might be lucky and get it next year's June or July.
Good luck!
PS: See for the Rosarium:
Reply #4 of 5 posted 9 AUG 16 by Nicky94
Thank you again; hopefully an arrangement can be made by next season. If I may ask, how did you know the rose is there? I've searched seemingly all over and not found a mention of this rose outside of this site. I also need to brush up on my German.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 9 AUG 16 by Jay-Jay
When You search for this rose under the garden tab and select all countries, this garden pops up.
If they really still grow this rose is not for sure, if the plant-list is not up-to-date.
Via-via, I could find out, if this rose still exists over there. I have a rose-friend, who knows one of the gardeners there.
If You are on Face-book, You might ask them Yourselves!
Discussion id : 86-095
most recent 20 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUN 15 by Jay-Jay
Who might know this unknown Rose. Delivered as 'The Apothecary Rose' and later on renamed falsely by the seller: 'Tuscany'.
Marnix and I doubt that and wonder which rose it might be.
The same Nursery also sells 'Gloire de Ducher', which might be a candidate as for their own photo of this rose in their catalogue.
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