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Discussion id : 153-555
most recent 19 OCT 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 OCT 23 by EnglishRoseBud
I'm looking for Belle Story (Auselle) in the United Kingdom - if anyone has this I'd appreciate it - Thank you!
Discussion id : 140-635
most recent 25 APR 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 APR 23 by Steliosem06
Roses that are as fragrant as Mr Lincoln? Looking for ones that arent red as well.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 22 APR 23 by Give me caffeine
What colours are you after?
Reply #2 of 6 posted 23 APR 23 by Nastarana
Mme Isaac Perierre

Yolande de Aragon

Chrysler Imperial--mind, I don't recommend the bush, but if it is heavy fragrance you want, you will love CI

Crimson Glory

Gertrude Jekyll, AKA Galloping Gert, be prepared to do severe pruning on this one.

I understand 'Tiffany' has a strong fragrance. I keep buying it in body bags which keep being mislabeled. 'Tiffany' would likely not survive a NY State winter, so it makes sense for me to grow is as a body bag annual. I believe A Reverence for Roses carries it.

Fragrant Cloud
Reply #6 of 6 posted 25 APR 23 by MADActuary
Nastarana - if memory serves you are in the Utica, NY area? If so, I do believe Tiffany will survive your winter unless you don't winter protect at all. She has survived my Zone 5b Chicago area winter twice now - and compared to you, we have much less snow and colder temperatures. Tiffany is one of my favorites and while it is fragrant, it probably falls a little shy of being "strong" in that regard. Great rose for me however.

I grew up 25 miles east of Rochester close to Lake Ontario.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 23 APR 23 by Lee H.
Graham Stuart Thomas wrote a bit about fragrance in his Rose Book. He wrote “…’Mme Abel Chatenay’ stands apart from all roses for its intense piercing fragrance.” When I think of all the roses he must have stuck his nose into in 80+ years, that appears to me as a top recommendation. Available from Burling Leong.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 24 APR 23 by Margaret Furness
Pope John Paul has won the public-vote Most Fragrant Rose at an Adelaide Rose Show.
Nahema is highly-rated, if you want a climber.
(I haven't grown them because I don't have room for modern roses.)
Reply #5 of 6 posted 24 APR 23 by HubertG
I was going to suggest 'Diamond Jubilee' if you want a buff/yellow/apricot rose.

Regarding 'Pope John Paul II' - every time I see it at a nursery I make a point of smelling it because of its reputation for fragrance but each time I'm disappointed with its barely-there generic scent - for me at least.
Discussion id : 131-832
most recent 26 FEB 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 FEB 22 by Scottplumerias
Hello, I had a Melody Parfumee rose for many years here in Kansas City but lost it in the bad 2015 winter.

I am wondering why it is so hard to find now in 2022 because it was such a
fantastic rose for me.

I have tried searching; I contacted Jackson Perkins where I first got it; they no longer sell it.

I know it is patented but I can't imagine this has been discontinued...

Anyone have any ideas as to why this happens? Or where I can get one? Thank you
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 FEB 22 by Margaret Furness
If you click on Plants / Search in the left menu, then type in the rose's name and go to its page, you will find a Buy From button on the top right. There are several nurseries listing it in the US.
Discussion id : 131-176
most recent 15 JAN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JAN 22 by JayJ
where can I buy rainbow Serbet rose plants?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 15 JAN 22 by Patricia Routley
If you mean Rainbow Sorbet, open the page for that rose, and look in BUY FROM (top right). There are many nurseries carrying this rose.
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