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Discussion id : 117-442
most recent 23 JUL 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JUL 19 by Jose Luis Marginet Campos
Dear friends, my name is Jose Luis and I am writing to you from Uruguay. A few years ago I found this rose, very perfumed, at first I thought it could be a Portland, but then I thought of a Perpetua.
Yesterday I found a reference to the rose Aurore du Matin, does anyone know her? It's very similar to the one I found.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 19 JUL 20 by ThomasR
Jose Luis, I have never seen Aurore Du Matin, but the page of found rose Benny Lopez made me think of your picture, maybe with a less obvious vertical leaves movement.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 20 JUL 20 by Jose Luis Marginet Campos
Thank you Thomas. I saw the rose, but I think that there are different rosses with this name. What do you tihink? (sorry my english is terrible)
Reply #3 of 4 posted 20 JUL 20 by ThomasR
Hi, I am sorry but I do not grow Portland roses nor Damasks/ Damask Perpetuals, I didn't document a lot about them either, so I cannot have an opinion. I just saw the Benny Lopez (and also Rose De Rescht) page and noticed quite glossy leaves in some pictures, and flowers the same shape of your rose in other. Have you seen what is said about the color on the presentation page ? I only had a brief look at the comments section for this rose, but maybe there could be some useful information for you there. Is this rose in your garden, do you know how it behaves and look throughout the year ? Have you checked the roses without pictures using the Advanced Search tool ?
Best regards, Thomas.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 23 JUL 20 by Jose Luis Marginet Campos
Thank you for your e-mail. Now, in Uruguay, it´s winter and these rose is blooming. I should say that it flower in flashes all the time.
Flowers are large or very large, and they are very fragant. In general, it isn´t one flower for branch, it´s common to see2 or 3 leaving the same point, and the central flower has its peduncle is shorter of the other.
The hip seems a bottle and its colour is orange or orange with green.
Petals are deep pink and silver on the reverse.
Branches have many thorns; they are not big and very aggressive.
Leaves have 7 leaflets, they don´t have thorns, and they have fine teeth on their edges. The colour es dark green
I don´t know if it is a Hibrida Pertpetua Rose, I think it is a Portland Rose, but it isn´t easy to differentiate one from another.
My rose seems The Benny Lopez rose. The unique difference is that in my rose the central rose has its peduncle shorter than the other.
I send photos that I have taken today.
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