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Any suggestions on ID? The parent plant is tall and healthy; my young cutting-grown potted plant is tall. Pacifier, who collected the cuttings from a Melbourne suburb Braybrook, says the colour is very temperature-dependent, and the scent is like rose soap. He thinks it is a 1950s or '60s Peace type, possibly French. The first flower on my plant is about 12cm across, about the same size as Peace. It has pink/red stamens. Sorry the reverse photo is out of focus. Photos taken in South Australia, zone 9, summer.
Are you thinking this is a 'Peace' sport or seedling? "Peace' and the sports I have seen have a characteristic puckering along the midribs of their leaflets. I could not see that at all on photo#1, but there might have been some on photo # 4.
As you say, the leaves aren't right for a Peace sport. Could be a descendant.
#3 of 7 posted
8 JAN 24 by
Might it be 'Confidence'?
Good suggestion. I'll ask Pacifier. Patricia grows Confidence and may like to comment.
#5 of 7 posted
8 JAN 24 by
I think the suggestion of Confidence might be correct. The comments in the reference section seem to match well with this rose. If correct as Confidence, my initial suspicions were pretty close to the mark if I say so myself!
I was under the impression that ‘Peace’ had dark green leaves - and “Braybrook” has light green leaves. I have added a 2007 and a 2009 photo of my ‘Confidence’ but the plant, on its own roots has not done well here.
The old leaves on my "Braybrook", not that there are many, are darker than the leaves in my photos. I'm less certain about the references that suggest a paler reverse to the petals. However the petals do show a faint striping like those in Patricia's photo. Can someone who grows Confidence please comment on the stamen colour?