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Discussion id : 16-396
most recent 29 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JAN 07 by marjan
Does anybody know if it would be possible to use a Banksae as groundcover, i.e. would it root itself? (or any other even more vigorous rose?? ) maybe i could help it by pinning it down at intervals?
i would like to cover a VERY steep bank of about 10m wide and c 2m high and thought about planting this rose at the top and let it go down
i live in the south of france, mixed clay soil, zone 8a
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 JAN 07 by Idahoroselady
would think that fortuniana would perform nicely for this.
It can grow up to 40 feet in height and 8 feet in width.
And you could probably peg it along this hillside and it would be beautiful.
But plan on it covering it. And you would most likely need several.
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