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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Discussion id : 20-706
most recent 3 AUG 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 AUG 07 by oldNugly
HI I am back again, not to sure if that is lucky for you but you help is vary good to me.
I have this beautiful fragrant rose and I have reduced the factors down to it is either a Johann Strauss or a Sheer Bliss rose, I have found one very similar picture in the Callista category, {edit but this rose doesn’t appear to have the English rose appearance of Callista rose}. As with most photos attached to the rose identification tab there are some there just don't appear to be the same rose as the listed one in the selection.

When I was digging a new rose bed I came across a Jackson & Perkins tag named Sheer Bliss and I believe this to be the bush, but then there are very similar pictures and data in the Johann Strauss section it is hard to determine which one it might be. The bush was on this property when I purchaced the house in 1999.

It is white with pink and a very strong fragrance, the bush leaves are a light green and grows to about 5 feeet tall it is a vigorous bloomer, the flower blooms to about 4 inchesin diameter.
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