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Hi All, I'm hoping someone can help me identify this rose. Its a tall Apricot, with a mild fragrance - hard to describe exactly what it smells like. I'll try and post some pics here if I can work out how :)
We need someone from Australia to drop in and take a look. How big are the blooms and do they come in clusters, or singly like this photo?
If I saw that rose here (California) my first guess would be redgold, which is fairly widely grown here. But I don't have a clue what is widely grown there.
#2 of 4 posted
6 JUL 08 by
Single blooms. The plant is likely to be quite old as most of the garden was planted in the late 60's
Red Gold was popular in Aus. I don't have it in my present garden, so can't check the details.
#4 of 4 posted
7 JUL 08 by
Having a look at the description for Red gold - its not that.. The bloom only has red edges when it is damaged - normally it is a uniform apricot colour. Also it has never flowered in a cluster.