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Discussion id : 118-691
most recent 14 OCT 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 OCT 19 by Maralynn
I was wondering if you could recommend your favorite fragrant roses which are also disease resistant? I need a yellow or apricot climber and then any color bush roses that you can think of (tea roses and floribunda, especially). I live near the coast in central California. The garden is in full sun most of the day.

Thank you so much,

Mara Alverson
Reply #1 of 5 posted 14 OCT 19 by Jay-Jay
Sutter's Gold Climbing is doing great as for disease-resistance as well as for scent and as for the requested color... At least at my place. Several Califs recommended it to me, so it might do well over there too.
As for the other relative disease resistant and fragrant roses in the HT class: Try Prince Jardinier, Parole and or Line Renaud.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 14 OCT 19 by Margaret Furness
Crepuscule, Tea-noisette 1904, copes well with salt winds.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 14 OCT 19 by Jay-Jay
Wonderful rose, but not as fragrant...
Reply #5 of 5 posted 14 OCT 19 by Maralynn
Thanks for the ideas, Margaret!
Reply #4 of 5 posted 14 OCT 19 by Maralynn
Thanks so much JayJay!
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