HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Maya Polscher
most recent 20 FEB 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 APR 09 by Maya Polscher
This seems not to be Amaretto climber, but perhaps Amaretto Florists Rose
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 FEB 17 by Patricia Routley
When you say Florists Rose, do you mean KO 04/1758-02? We have that listed as a floribunda.
most recent 18 JUN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JUN 16 by Maya Polscher
I think, this photo represents Red Queen Freelander - Kortokrea, which was sold in France under the name of Marlena.
Reply #1 of 8 posted 14 JUN 16 by Maurice REYBAUD
OUI ! ..... c'est bien " Marlena " en France !!! ... Problème sur la fiche ( voir 1ère photo de GUGERT ) ? ? ?
Je précise donc " KORtocréa " éditée en 2001 ( déjà signalé ) pour cette photo !!
C'est un magnifique Rosier !!!
Reply #2 of 8 posted 14 JUN 16 by Patricia Routley
A little too early in the morning for me to translate, but I think I get the message. Maurice, would you move your photo and perhaps adjust the caption..... 'Red Queen Freelander' - purchased in France as (incorrectly) 'Marlena'.
Reply #3 of 8 posted 15 JUN 16 by Maurice REYBAUD
Bonjour Patricia ....
Sauf erreur de ma part, pas de fiche de RED REINE FREELANDER ( ? ? ) sur
Ma photo est bien une photo de MARLENA ( KORtocréa ) 2001 ( problème signalé sur la fiche
de Hepmefind dés l'origine ) Voir la première photo mise par Gugert.
Il faudrait peut-être faire 2 Fiches Marléna : 1 MARLENA ( KORtocréa ) Kordes - 2001
et 1 MARLENA - Kordes - 1964

Reply #4 of 8 posted 15 JUN 16 by Patricia Routley
Dear Maurice,
We now have files for
Marlena KORto. Flori. 1964.
Red Queen HT. 1968.
Red Queen Freelander KORtocrea. Florists rose 1999
This is how I understood Maya Polscher’s comment yesterday, but I might have missed something.
I have asked her to check the files and she hasn’t as yet replied. I am sure she will get back to us as soon as she can.
Reply #5 of 8 posted 15 JUN 16 by Maurice REYBAUD
Merci Patricia
Voici une fiche de vente comme rosier de jardin en france chez GAUJARD:
MARLENA est bien associé à KORtocréa.

Reply #6 of 8 posted 16 JUN 16 by Patricia Routley
Thanks for helping Maurice. Maya has replied and yes, you are right, KORtocrea also has a synonym of 'Marlena'. The only thing I am not sure of now, is the name of the Gaujard introducer - I've shown it as Roseraies Gaujard .
Reply #7 of 8 posted 16 JUN 16 by Maurice REYBAUD
Bonjour Patricia ...
oui, Vendue en France par Pierre Gaujard ( membre de la Famille Roseraies GAUJARD )


Pour mes photos :

pouvez vous transferer mes photos sur la fiche MARLENA 1999/2001 ?

ou dois je le faire moi-même ?

Merci de tout votre travail pour les Roses
Reply #8 of 8 posted 18 JUN 16 by Patricia Routley
Dear Maurice,
I've sent you a private message, but no reply as yet. So as I won't forget - i have transferred 16 of your photos which were actually noted as being KORtocrea. There are another 20 photos which I am sure, should be transferred to KORtocrea, but without your agreement, I hesitate to do so.
Postscript - it really is an easy process for members to transfer, or REASSIGN their own photos.
most recent 14 JUN 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUN 16 by Maya Polscher
Dear Team of Helpmefind,

under the name of Red Queen, there are some faults or misunderstandings between Red Queen and Red Queen Freelander:
Red Queen is an old garden rose, introduced by Reimer Kordes in 1968, it has got no denomination and is no florist's rose.

Red Queen Freelander is really Kortocrea and the text you under this rose is not correct:
it was introduced in the market in 1999 as a florist's rose by W. Kordes' Söhne. It has medium-sized, high-centered flowers in red.
It was sold in France under the name Marlena as a garden rose -

Under Marlena - Korto - there is a photo which most surely shows Red Queen Freelander and not Marlena.

Can you please change the entries, as we get many questions concerning these roses.

Best regards,

Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 JUN 16 by Patricia Routley
Thank you Maya. We've separated the roses and believe they are correctly shown now. We have presumed that 'Liebestraum' is a synonym of the 1968 'Red Queen'. Would you take a look at both roses and see that all is correct. If you have a breeder and a parentage for 'Red Queen Freelander' that would be excellent.
most recent 21 JAN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JAN 15 by Maya Polscher
This entrance is not correct:

• Inge's Rose
• KORglojaka
• Rose Fascination

15 favorite votes.
Average rating: EXCELLENT.

Bred by Christian Schultheis (Germany, before 2011).
Introduced in Germany by Rosenhof Schultheis e.K. in 2011 as 'Inge's Rose'.
Introduced in Germany by W. Kordes' Söhne (Retail) in 2013 as 'Rosenfaszination'.

This entrance is only about the rose 'Inge's rose' bred by Christian Schultheis, which at the beginning was named Rosenfaszination, but this name was changed.

Please do erase the name "Rose Fascination" and "KORglojaka" and "Introduced in Germany by W. Kordes' Söhne..." , as this has to be another entrance for another rose variety. The Name is Rosenfaszination and Denomination is KORglojaka. It was bred by W. Kordes' Söhne , introduced in 2013. Please also look through the photos and take those away which mention Rosenfaszination or KORglojaka. We can provide photos of real Rosenfaszination after a new entrance has been made.
Please come back, if you have any more questions.

Thanks a lot and best regards,

Reply #1 of 1 posted 21 JAN 15 by jedmar
Thank you for the information. We believe the listings are now correct.
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