'Téla de Ouro' rose Photos
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From 'The Florists' Exchange', June 17, 1905, page 789. The accompanying text says that it is a two year old plant.
Uploaded 2 days ago |
From "Flore des serres et de jardins de l'Europe, Vol. 16, 1865, pl. 1640-1641
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 30 SEP 23 |
From "L'Horticulteur français", November 1864, Pl. XX.
Courtesy of Hortalia.org
Uploaded 11 NOV |
Probably not the real deal but this is what I got as 'Marechal Niel' ex. Thomas for Roses circa 2018-19. Lovely strong tea fragrance. I've found it hangs on to some of its leaves all winter, but they get a sort of bronzed margin. The gawky cane at the back is actually around 70cm long, but you can't see it from this angle. Currently (06.08.2023) hasn't started leafing out yet in my Sydney "sprinter". ( Photo taken 27.03.2023 )
Uploaded 5 AUG 23 |
From "Lyon horticole", December 1915, Nr. 24, p. 371
Courtesy of BnF Gallica
Uploaded 9 DEC 23 |
The same plant moved to France in a protected location has become a lush wonder, but no repeat
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 9 JUL 22 |
From "L'Illustration horticole", 1866, pl. 477 Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 17 OCT 23 |
We had Maréchal Niel for many years in Switzerland in a container, moving it inside glass for winter. It never grew beyond about 60 cm tall.
Uploaded 9 JUL 22 |
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