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'Téla de Ouro' rose References
Book  (2023)  Page(s) 120(photo)-121.  
Maréchal Niel...Description fragrant cult rose of the late 19th century, Group Noisette-Roses, Origin France, Rupin 1857 resp. Pradel 1864, Bloom summer-blooming, repeats occasionally, large, densely filled, nodding blooms, strong Tea rose fragrance, Colour matte yellow, Habit 300-450 cm tall, warmth loving, for winegrowing climate or glasshouse
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 48. Vol 41, No. 1.  
Margaret Furness.  Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia. 
Sometimes it’s the luck of the draw; if you order Maréchal Niel you’ll usually get Duchesse d’Auerstädt, but there are correct ones around. If anyone has a robust one, I’d love cuttings, if quarantine permits. 
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 71.  
Jean Nigon eut l’idée de cultiver des roses odorantes, .... Il décida de chauffer des serres et de vendre ses roses en février. Son idée fut très rapidement reprise par les rosiéristes de la Côte d’Azur qui cultivèrent par exemple les variétés R. x hybrida ‘Maréchal Niel’ et ‘Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria’.
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 29.  
Diploid...Marechal Niel, heterozygous loci 74% [Provenance: Chamblee's Rose Nursery]
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 94.  
'Marechal Niel'. Tea-noisette. Good reliable rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. 2 [Habit of growth]. Pradel, 1864. Provenance: Manners. Deep golden-lemon flowers with recurving petals, the flowers holding a goblet shape and nodding effectively from above. Fragrant. Malcolm Manners gave us this virus-free clone of 'Marechal Niel', long one of our favorite roses that had never performed strongly.
Article (magazine)  (Jun 2002)  Page(s) 47.  
Maréchal Niel Noisette 1864... long petalled high centred butter-yellow flowers... The raiser wished to name it for the wife of Maréchal Adolphe Niel, a hero at Sebastopol, as a compliment to him -- but then discovered he was a bachelor!
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 392.  Includes photo(s).
Maréchal Niel Noisette. Pradel, France, 1864. Seedling of 'Isabella Gray'... golden yellow blooms that appear in clusters on weak stems... It does well in partial shade... Henri Pradel of Montauban, France, made customers buy 12 other plants before he would give them ['Maréchal Niel'], as it was in such demand... named for a French general, minister of war for Napoleon III.
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 161.  
Maréchal Niel Pradel (France) 1864. Said to be a seedling of 'Cloth of Gold' [aka 'Chromatella'] Description... soft buttery yellow... It is in effect a climbing Tea Rose, with Rosa moschata in its parentage, though rather far back...
Book  (Nov 1993)  Page(s) 40.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 272.  Includes photo(s).
Noisette, Joseph Pradel, Lyon, 1864. Named in honor of Adolphe Niel who earned his Marshal's baton at the Battle of Solferino. No yellow rose quite so fine had been seen before … it made M. Pradel a rich man. Description. Seedling from 'Cloth of Gold'. Repeats. Fragrant.
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