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The Dictionary of Roses in Colour (2nd ed.)
(1985)  Page(s) 115.  Includes photo(s).
'Complicata' Modern Shrub Climber. Bright pink, white centre, early summer. 8 x 8 ft (2.4 x 2.4m). shrub or pillar rose of tremendous vigour, up to 8 x 8 ft (2.4 x 2.4m) or even more if grown up into an old tree. Origin unknown and not recorded in any of the old rose books. Arching growth, up to 5ft. (1.5m). Flowers large, bright clear pink with white centre, single with fine boss of golden stamens in centre, up to 5 in. (12.7cm.) across, at first saucer-shaped, then opening flat. Mid-June. Very floriferous, like a much enlarged dog rose of slightly deeper colour and blooming along the length of its branches. Foliage and thorns both abundant. This is one of the finest garden roses, where space is available, and is good on light sandy soils. It is very effective where trained as a pillar round three supports but is equally good as a vast sprawling mass. Its clear pink flowers and very vigorous growth make it fit awkwardly into the Gallica group of dusky purples and crimsons where it is sometimes placed. Roots easily from cuttings.
Plates 150, 151 and 152.
(1985)  Page(s) 104.  Includes photo(s).
p72. 'Beatrice [plate 387].

p104. 'Beatrice'. Floribunda. Pink. 2 1/2 ft (0.8m), 1968. Raised by S. McGredy, N. Ireland. Parentage: 'Paddy McGredy' x ('Kordes' Perfecta' x 'Montezuma'). A vigorous, upright grower, about 2 1/2 ft (0.8m) high. The rose-pink blooms are very freely produced in medium sized, well shaped trusses. One of the most continuous blooming cultivars I know, beginning early and going right through until late September, when the photograph was taken. Slightly fragrant. Useful for public park and garden display.
(1985)  Includes photo(s).
p107. 'Brasilia'. HT. Light scarlet. 3ft (0.9m). 1968. Raised by S. McGredy IV, N. Ireland. Parentage 'Kordes Perfecta' x 'Piccadilly'. A tall, vigorous, upright grower, to at least 3ft (0.9m.), with abundant, semi-glossy, medium green foliage, crimson in the early stages. Flowers are shapely on opening, moderately full becoming loose, light scarlet with a reverse of pale gold. Requires fairly close planting, when it makes a most effective bed which stands up to bad weather. Trial Ground Certificate. R.N.R.S. 1967.

p52. Plate 278
(1985)  Page(s) 110.  
Cerise Bouquet  Modern Shrub. Cerise-crimson, early summer, 9 ft x 6 ft (2.7 x 1.8m) 1958.  Raised by W. Kordes, Germany.  Parentage: R. multibracteata x 'Crimson Glory'.  Vigorous modern shrub rose with graceful arching growth up to 9 ft (2.7m) high and 6 ft (1.8m) across.  Flowers semi-double, of medium size, usually in clusters on long sprays, cerise-crimson, opening flat to show stamens.  Mid-June to mid-July but not usually recurrent.  Foliage delicate, grey-green.  Now established as a very popular shrub rose, distinct in its growth.    Photo No. 146, p26.
(1985)  Page(s) 111.  Includes photo(s).
Charlotte Elizabeth Deep rose-pink, 3 ft (0.9 m.) 1965.  Raised by A. Norman, England.  Parentage: 'Sheila Elizabeth' x 'Queen Elizabeth'.  A vigorous, upright grower, some 3 ft (0.9 m.) high, with abundant, mid-green, glossy foliage.  The blooms are large, semi-double, well formed in the early stages, deep rose-pink, produced in small trusses, flowering freely in summer and again in autumn.  Weather resistance is good and there is some scent.   Plate 394, p73. 
C.M.  R.N.R.S. 1965.
(1985)  Page(s) 118.  
'Danny Boy'. Modern Climber. Orange-red, recurrent, 6-8 ft, (1.8 - 2.4m), 1968. Raised by S. McGredy IV, N. Ireland. Parentage: 'Uncle Walter' x 'Milord'. A free growing cultivar with large dark green foliage. The large, well formed flowers are an unusual shade of deep orange-red and have a slight scent.
(1985)  Includes photo(s).
p45 Plate 240. Distance photo ‘Danse du Feu’

p118 ‘Danse du Feu’ ‘Spectacular’. Modern Climber. Bright scarlet-crimson, recurrent, 10 ft (3m). 1953. Raised by C. Mallerin, France. Parentage: ‘Paul’s Scarlet Climber x R. multiflora seedling. A vigorous climber with bright glossy green foliage, bronze-tinted when young. Flowers semi-double, rather globular, singly or in clusters up to 3 in (7.6 cm) across, very bright scarlet-crimson, slightly scented. Free-flowering. Mid-June with spectacular main flowering but slightly recurrent throughout summer. One of the most popular bright red climbers which rarely fails to make a striking effect. Certificate of Merit, RNRS 1954.
p121. 'Easlea’s Golden Rambler.' Climber. Yellow, early summer, 12 ft (3.7m) 1932. Raised by W. Easlea & Sons Ltd., England. A beautiful rose, almost unique among climbers in colour, scent and its fine shiny foliage. Vigorous and suitable for pillar or pergola, but not a rambler in the usual sense. Flowers large, semi-double, of hybrid tea type, buds bright yellow with occasional red flecks, opening to deep creamy-yellow and showing good boss of golden stamens, 4 and a half inches (11.4 cm) across. Strongly scented; borne singly or in small clusters. Free flowering in June but non-recurrent. Foliage good, dark olive-green, shiny, 3-5 broadly ovate leaflets of unusual shape. Cut flowering shoots back about August-September to the young shoots which will have developed. Gold Medal, RNRS 1932; Award of Merit, RHS 1932.
(1985)  Page(s) 124.  Includes photo(s).
Fantin Latour. C. Pale pink, summer, 5 ft (1.5m). Vigorous and free-flowering shrub rose. Flowers double in clusters of 2-5, pale blush pink, slightly deeper to shell pink in center, fully-petalled, slightly cup-shaped and deeper in colour when first opening, later opening flat and become paler. Delicately scented. One of the most delicate in colour and beautiful of all the shrub roses. Flowers 3 ½ in. (8.9 cm.) across. Mid-late June. Non-recurrent. Foliage good green. 3-5 large leaflets. Stem not very prickly. Rightly one of the favourite shrub roses, close to many of those of the old Dutch painters and also those of Fantin Latour, the French painter. A good grower but fading in bright sun. Origin and date of raising unknown. One of the very few old roses to have been awarded both A.M. and A.G.M. of R.H.S. 68. p13. A.M., R.H.S. 1959; A.G.M., R.H.S. 1968.
Plate 68, page 13.
(1985)  Page(s) 31 & 132.  Includes photo(s).
Hamburg ....'Eva x 'Daily Mail Scented'....
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