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Rosa Rugosa
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 6, 7.  Includes photo(s).
p. 6: [Photo]
p. 7: R. rugosa x R. foetida 'Persiana'. Saunders (Canada) 1922. Description. [unusually colored blossoms for a rugosa -- creamy yellow] [In Verrier's experience] this rose will not produce flowers after a fairly profuse early summer flowering... hardy.
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 67.  
R. rugosa x R. x harisonii. Carmen (USA) 1898. Description... the hybridizer was probably hoping for a yellow rugosa... but instead created a double, bright crimson rose with profuse blossoms borne in clusters. Somewhat recurrent.
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 68.  
Seedling of R. rubrifolia x unknown R. rugosa hybrid. Central Experimental Farm (Canada) 1928. Description... Profuse large single rose-purple blossoms with white centers.
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 7.  
('Alice Aldrich') R. rugosa x 'Caroline de Sansal' (Hybrid Perpetual). Lovett (USA) 1901. Description. Not widely grown worldwide, this rose appears to be available only in the U.S., where it was originally introduced by the Conard & Jones nursery (or as known today, the Conard-Pyle Company).
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 68.  
'Tetonkaha' x 'La Melusine'. Hansen (USA) 1927. Description... large clusters of semi-double blossoms...
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 7.  
[('General Jacqueminot' x 'Marechal Niel') x Conrad Ferdinand Meyer']. Gravereaux (France) 1903. Description. Although the rugosa genes are quite diluted in this hybrid, strong rugosa affinities appear especially in the deep green rugose foliage.
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 68.  
Parentage unknown. Introduced by Paul and Son (England) 1895. Description... This is a rugosa hybrid sent from the Arnold Arboretum in 1892 to the nursery Paul & Son... large purple-crimson blossoms...
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 8.  
R. rugosa x R. foliolosa. Nobbs (New Zealand) 1978. Description... neither widely available nor well documented... the blossom is crimson and single... The cinnamon scent, not characteristic of the rugosas, is probably attributable to R. foliolosa... may be available in New Zealand.
(1991)  Page(s) 8.  
'Ann Endt'. R. rugosa x R. foliolosa. Nobbs, New Zealand, 1978.
This is an interesting hybrid of R. rugosa, originating from the Far East, and R. foliolosa, a native of the southern prairies of the United States. These two species are similar in some ways, yet very different. ‘Ann Endt’, a product of New Zealand rose hybridizers, is neither widely available nor well documented. The blossom is deep crimson and single which is predictable since both parents are single roses. The cinnamon scent, not characteristic of the rugosas, is probably attributable to R. foliolosa. Descriptions of the foliage note that it is small; however, curiously, no mention is made of it being narrow, a typical trait of foliolosa foliage. ‘ Ann Endt’ may be available in New Zealand.
(11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 8.  
('Arnold', 'Arnoldiana') R. rugosa x 'General Jacqueminot'. Dawson (USA) 1893. Description Five-petaled, crinkled, bright deep pink blossoms with some repeat bloom.
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