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'Estelle' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 5-863
most recent 31 AUG 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAR 04 by WendyinSD
My Estelle is not the same as the gallica it is listed under. Mine is from Suzy Verrier (North Creek Farm) and is R. pendulina x 'Alika'

I have mine because of the Hansen connection (He found and brought 'Alika' to the US) It is similar to a wild rose (single blooms but a darker shade of pink I think)
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 AUG 10 by Naasra
I would really like to see some pictures of this rose. Could you maybe post some (including huds, foliage and stems) ?
Discussion id : 5-862
most recent 31 MAR 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 MAR 04 by Anonymous-336
My Estelle is from Suzy Verrier and is not the gallica developed in France that it is listed under. Mine is R. pendulina x 'Alika'

Because of my Hansen (found 'Alika' and brought it to the US) interest I have this one. It has "wild" looking blooms...larger than a wild rose but single and darker pink.
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