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'Evelyn ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 170-757
most recent yesterday HIDE POSTS
Initial post yesterday by Nastarana
This rose is currently available from A Reverence for Roses in FL. They only have 5, as of this evening.
Discussion id : 139-120
most recent 11 AUG SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 MAR 23 by ColleeninMhd
Good morning!
If I cannot find Evelyn, what should I try next? Zone 6a Coastal Massachusetts. This is for a prominent location in my yard. I am on a corner lot, and these will go on the corner where people walk by and drive by daily. Montauk daisies in the background bloom late August. Spring tulip bulbs bloom at the (hopefully ) soon to be planted roses. I am on several wait list for Evelyn. I was hoping to get huge bare roots this spring from Grace Farm Roses. Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Colleen
Reply #1 of 12 posted 5 MAR 23 by Nastarana
Northland Rosarium has 'Polka'. It is a bit more apricot than 'Evelyn' and does not have quite the ethereal beauty of the latter, but also I think is healthier and, as I recall, has better foliage. It makes a spectacular shrub and would be a good choice for a corner location. Northland has kept their prices below $25., and their roses are selling out quickly. I have always received healthy and strong rose bushes from Northland.
Reply #2 of 12 posted 6 MAR 23 by Jay-Jay
You have a point Nastarana, as for the health of both roses. You mean Polka as in MEItosier, I suppose.
One should consider the brutal prickles of Polka, when placing it in a corner location. (see my photo's of the prickles on HMF)
When ColleeninMhd is set on a real climber and an Austin, maybe consider Abraham Darby too.
Reply #5 of 12 posted 7 MAR 23 by ColleeninMhd
Not looking for a climber. But Abraham Darby is always on my list.
Reply #3 of 12 posted 6 MAR 23 by Le_Not
I don't mean to hijack the discussion (indeed, I would love to find a good supplier for 'Evelyn' too), but unfortunately I can't say I had a good experience ordering from Northland Rosarium. Indeed, of the forty-one roses I've ordered from fourteen different sources, the four weakest roses I ever received were the four I got from Northland Rosarium. None has died -- yet -- but they were definitely of poorer quality. Perhaps I just had a uniquely bad experience...
Reply #4 of 12 posted 7 MAR 23 by ColleeninMhd
It is a beautiful rose. Thank you for your suggestion
Reply #6 of 12 posted 7 MAR 23 by ColleeninMhd
Polka is gorgeous
Reply #7 of 12 posted 15 OCT 23 by Nastarana
A new company called Garden Roses LLC is offering 'Evelyn', listed as AUSaucer for something like $20.99. They have quite a list of non and off patent Austin roses, not alas, the ones I want. 'Windrush', anyone? 'Charmain'?
Reply #8 of 12 posted 15 OCT 23 by ParisRoseLady
I just looked up Garden Roses LLC and it is an exciting new nursery offering band-sized plants at reasonable pricing. The credentials of the founder/owner are outstanding, he is a rising star in the rose world and shows much promise as a hybridizer, as well as a purveyor of selected current rose offerings, including many Austins. I'm sure I will be ordering for spring 2024 from this nursery. I'm also going to contact the nursery directly to suggest uploading their plant list to HMF.
Reply #10 of 12 posted 15 OCT 23 by Nastarana
So, you believe this is a reputable company and one can confidently order from them? IDK about photos, also IDC, but someone has done their homework with regard to patents. 'Bathsheba', for example, is a recent introduction patented in some countries but not in the USA. I hope they will in future add 'Windrush' to their lineup.
Reply #11 of 12 posted 15 OCT 23 by ParisRoseLady
I haven't ordered yet, but I intend to, so will assess once the plants arrive. I have a good frame of reference for band size roses from ordering many in the past, notably from High Country Roses. Regarding Austin patents, the site (Garden Roses LLC) has a downloadable Austin list with categories of patents, it's quite interesting!
Reply #9 of 12 posted 15 OCT 23 by ColleeninMhd
Oh. I listen to Nate Fisher the owner of Garden Roses on Rosechat! I also put in an order for several of these particular roses a few month ago. I didn’t know they would be bands. But the price is very reasonable. I also love that he is close by in Pennsylvania therefore the shipping will not be horrible for the plants. Now, to find the right spots to plant my dream roses. If Nate is reading this, well done!

Edit: I asked for refund on all GRLLC. All my orders are canceled.
Reply #12 of 12 posted 11 AUG by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Colleen: You have a beautiful house !! I grow 160 own root fragrant roses for the past 30+ years and OWN ROOTS are better in CONTINOUS blooming for a corner lot than grafted-on-Dr.Huey. My 12th-year own root Evelyn bloomed in early May in my zone 5, versus roses grafted on Dr.Huey don't bloom until later. My Evelyn is a short shrub with fast repeat, Prairieville Prince (big and thorny bush, myrrh scent), Summer Sun (gaudy color that's seen far away), Wise Portia, Royal Jubilee (can smell its fabulous scent 5 feet away), Lady of Shalott and Kordes roses like Bliss Parfuma. Ping-Lim roses sold at Lowe's are continuous bloomers. All Ping-Lim roses are impressive at zone 5 rose parks such as My girl, Calypso, and Kashmir.
Discussion id : 167-750
most recent 4 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 JUL by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
I have the short SHRUB version of Evelyn bought as own root in 2012 with fast repeat, no diseases with intense peach scent. There's also the CLIMBER sport of Evelyn (lighter pink with buttonhole and stingier). The SHRUB version is pictured in 2011 David Austin catalog and website with exposed yellow stamens and 100 smaller petals and smaller leaves. The 2nd version (climber Evelyn) is pictured in 2016 David Austin catalog with IRREGULAR petals and BUTTONHOLE, lighter pink climber. Someone else posted a 3rd version Evelyn (light apricot/yellow blooms and larger leaves. Since Evelyn was bred decades ago, mutations can occur to give a climber version versus shrub version. I post this after several nurseries getting complaints from customers about the wrong Evelyn, plus rose growers are not happy and confused when their Evelyn is different from someone else's.
Discussion id : 119-598
most recent 9 FEB 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 JAN 20 by raingreen
Doing plant torture at Santa Fe Dam, east of Los Angeles, California, having put in a 'waterless' (no water once-established) garden including roses. Evelyn looks like a plucked chicken during the long, dry summer, with defoliation, and the remaining foliage having browned edges. Honesty compels me to add the plant had powdery mildew and rust in late spring. But the canes remain healthy (little to no sunscald), even after Santa Ana winds which killed some waterless 'Graham Thomas' and a waterless 'Le Vesuve' rose. Also, doesn't really look worse than many nearby native plants including Salvia and Encelia.

This past summer of 2019 was the first for the plant to go 'waterless'. The last soaking rain was in early June, the next soak was November 21. 'Evelyn' appears to be filling out and growing vigorously, as it would in the spring. Nice finally seeing a lush plant after months of waiting. It's actually the most lush plant in the garden, other than my waterless lawn.

People say that English roses need lots of water, and I believe this is true, but here in southern California 'Evelyn' appears to be able to grow well in the winter, when rainfall takes care of it (hopefully). Once it 'cycled off' in the summer drought it was fine. It sent out basals in July but they stopped growing some weeks later, showing the compacted internodes that many roses show when stopping growth for winter.

In order to really know, the plant needs to be evaluated for 2 more years, but it appears to be a candidate for waterless gardening in Los Angeles, especially away from the fungal issues of the coast.


Edited to add 2 weeks later: it appears many of the plant's shoots are blind--while some are extending normally-- it probably won't have a full, spring like flush of flowers this winter. Maybe not perfectly adapted for 'waterless' conditions.
Reply #1 of 15 posted 1 JAN 20 by Nastarana
I found that some of the Austin roses were somewhat drought resistant, especially 'Evelyn' and 'Golden Celebration', which grew for me in the Central Valley into a magnificent free standing shrub the size of a small fruit tree (as did 'Polka') with almost no supplemental water.

If I may, I would urge you to not neglect so-called grey water from inside your house. No, not from the bathroom, although I have heard of some folks setting a pail on the floor of their shower, but left over cooking water such as might have been used for boiling potatoes or pasta can go on a dry plant. I used to rinse used plates and pans into a bucket, which slurry then became extra fertilizer for some favored plant. I presume you do pay for the water used inside your home. I think we might as well get as much for our H20 expense as we can. If you own your house, a water tank to catch rainwater off the roof during those occasional downpours might be a good investment.

Two found niosettes which do very well in tough growing situations are "Manchester Guardian Angel", and "Pleasant Hill Cemetary Noisette".
Reply #5 of 15 posted 2 JAN 20 by raingreen
Nastarana, point well taken about grey water. For most residents, it wouldn't make any sense to lose plants if they only needed a bit of watering. However, the garden in question was slated to be 'waterless' once-established, there's no going back now....because it's an educational, public garden, we have to be strict that we 'walk our talk'.

Reply #2 of 15 posted 2 JAN 20 by Kim Rupert
What root stock are your Austins budded to, or are they own root?
Reply #3 of 15 posted 2 JAN 20 by Nastarana
I've not lived in CA for 10 years. As I recall, both were purchased at local nurseries. There was quite a vogue for Austin roses from about 1990 to about 2005 or so. They would almost certainly have been on Dr. Huey.
Reply #4 of 15 posted 2 JAN 20 by raingreen
Mine are own root. 3 David Austin varieties tested under 'waterless' conditions are Crown Princess Margareta (ugly. conspicuous dried leaves, removed in November), Graham Thomas and Evelyn; other varieties tested were Old Blush, Le Vesuve and Mrs. B. R. Cant. Out of 4 Graham Thomas, 2 died during the Santa Anas in October, and the 2 other were hardy to the tips, and are currently leafing out, not as quickly as for Evelyn. One of 2 plants of Evelyn had died upon waterless conditions in May/June but the plant had entered drought lacking in vigor, only one-half the size of the other Evelyn, probably due to inadequate soil preparation.

The natural soil on site is horrid--decomposed granite with no water retention. We brought in 18" of heavier soil and amended heavily with compost. My understanding is that moisture tends to accumulate at the boundary between the two soil types but I'm not a soil scientist. I suspected the roses would not have survived on the native, rocky soil, and it's quite clear now they wouldn't have. The roses where the soil was predominantly the native, rocky type died during the Santa Anas in October.

Don't anyone go out and try this at home unless your prepared to experiment and lose plants--results aren't established, and less than 1% of roses are suited to 'waterless' conditions in southern California. Necessary traits appear to include high heat and desiccation tolerance and the ability to grow in winter.

Reply #10 of 15 posted 8 FEB 21 by Cherylfirebride
I am desperately trying to find anyone at all that may have an "Evelyn" rose to grow a cutting of. Do you know of anyone that might have this?
Reply #13 of 15 posted 9 FEB 21 by raingreen
looks like the HMF member rosefern may have cuttings, send her a private message. See under "cuttings" tab toward the top of the page.
Reply #14 of 15 posted 9 FEB 21 by Cherylfirebride
Thank you!
Reply #6 of 15 posted 23 JAN 20 by mamabotanica
Thanks for the info! I plan to add Evelyn to my collection of garden roses in Pasadena. Always love to hear local recommendations! And especially related to heat and drought hardiness!
Reply #7 of 15 posted 23 JAN 20 by raingreen
Yes, highly heat-and-drought resistant in reasonable soil, and has incredible, transcendent beauty in the spring. Be prepared for potential rust and powdery mildew in late spring. IMO not suited for 'waterless' gardens due to partially 'blind' growth upon pruning after the first soaking rain in fall. It would do better with the traditional late-January pruning and minimal (not zero) watering.

Reply #8 of 15 posted 24 JAN 20 by Nastarana
The winter rains are critical. I found it necessary to irrigate in winters with no rain if I wanted blooms in the spring. A thick mulch helps more than one thinks it might.
Reply #9 of 15 posted 24 JAN 20 by raingreen
Yes, I'm not sure what will happen in a very dry winter. What an adventure. If they are anything like the native plants they just won't grow and bloom as much. The types that don't need much pruning, like Old Blush and Mrs. B. R. Cant, may be better during the dry years because 'growth follows the knife' and if growth isn't supported with water the plants may short-circuit.

I too mulch heavily, with chipped green waste outside of the drip line and a heavy layer of high-nutrient compost underneath the plants, lighter around the root crown.
Reply #11 of 15 posted 9 FEB 21 by ....
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Reply #12 of 15 posted 9 FEB 21 by raingreen
Oh, I see. This is a project on one side of a symbolic dividing line of watering/no watering. Considering the actual water resource, I'm sure it seems a little rigid, but the plants that come out successful will be guaranteed drought hardy in most 'Medit' climates. Probably in most gardens the "waterless" roses would be given a little extra water to stay green.

Thanks, Nate
Reply #15 of 15 posted 9 FEB 21 by ....
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