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'Cherry' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 90.  
Cherry Hybrid Tea, brilliant carmine-pink flushed yellow, lower half yellow, 1928, McGredy. Description.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 14.  
Bush Roses
Cherry (Hybrid Tea)... Sunflower yellow on outside, inner side varying shades of pink. Blooms large and well formed. A distinct and pleasing bedding or exhibition Rose. Rather soft growth and somewhat subject to disease. Faint perfumed. Introduced 1928.
Website/Catalog  (1937)  Page(s) 40.  
'McGredy's Coral'.....Like a vastly improved Cherry
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 151.  
Cherry (HT) McGredy 1928; glossy carmine-pink, shaded yellow, towards the centre sunflower-yellow, base deep yellow, very large, double, high-ventered, lasting, fragrance 4/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, lonh pointed buds, few red prickles, glossy light green leathery foliage, growth 6/10, upright, hardy. Sangerhausen
Magazine  (Dec 1932)  Page(s) 108.  
Cherry (S. M. Gredy et Son). — Fleur grosse, pleine, de belle forme. Coloris absolument nouveau : extérieur des pétales jaune soleil, intérieur rose vif devenant carminé à l'épanouissement ; pédoncule long et ferme.
Magazine  (1932)  Page(s) 89.  
As newest sorts for planting are being offered here: Max Krause (yellow), Lord Lonsdale (golden-yellow), Colonel Sharman Crawford (dark red), Southport (light red), Wakefield Scarlet (red), Rose Berkley (pink), Cherry (pink with gold).
Magazine  (Aug 1931)  Page(s) 109.  
[From the N.R.S. Trial garden in 1930] Un Certificat de première classe a été décerné à :
Cherry (H. T.), S. Mc Gredy & Son. 
: Jaune comme la fleur de soleil (tournesol), ombré d'un rose brillant clair. Forme de la fleur : Jolie forme, avec milieu à pointe élevée. Parfum : Odoriférante. Forme de croissance : Vigoureuse, ayant des tendances à s'incliner. Feuillage vert foncé et couleur cuir, bois vert, épines rouges. Destinations les mieux appropriées : Jardin, Parterres. Remarques : Cette variété est très florifère et les bourgeons doivent être éclaircis. Les fleurs maintiennent bien leurs couleurs et supportent bien la pluie.
Website/Catalog  (1930)  Page(s) 39.  
New Roses 1929. Cherry (H.T.) (McGredy, 1928).....The habit of growth is low and the leaves are lost early tending to produce dying back. 
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 29.  
Rosiers nouveaux 1928. Pernetiana...
Cherry (S. Mc Gredy et Son). — Fleur d'un coloris nouveau, extérieur des pétales jaune soleil, intérieur rose vif veiné de rose plus foncé; grande, pleine, de belle forme, à pétales recourbés et solides, de longue durée. Arbuste vigoureux. Certificat de mérite.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 29.  
New Roses 1929
Cherry (H.T.) (McGredy, 1928). Sunflower yellow on the outside and on the inner side bright rose heavily veined a deeper shade of rose. As the flowers grow and expand, the inner surfaces of the petals turn brilliant carmine pink flushed yellow. The lower half of the petals shade from sunflower yellow to deep yellow at the base. An exceptional feature of this rose is that the colours become brighter and more brilliant as the flowers grow and age, and when lying fully open the petals retain their fresh and vivid hues until they fall. The flowers are large, full, of beautiful form with reflexed petals of heavy texture and often up to exhibition size. They are remarkably long-lived on the plant and when cut. The habit of growth is fine, breaking freely and vigorously from the base and from practically every eye. The stems are strong, stiff and covered with light green mildew resistant foliage. 5/- each.
Many flowers fade and do not deepen with age. A beautiful variety but only moderate growth. 32 petals.
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