The American Rose Magazine, 2(10): 165 (Sept 15-16, 1938)
Nicolas Grillo, of Milldale, Conn., had an entire page in the Sunday New Haven (Conn.) Register, June 12, devoted to his development of a new thornless florist rose.
The new rose, which is said to be entirely free from thorns, is a dark red sport of Better Times, and has been registered with the American Rose Society as Thornless Beauty.
Although most experienced rosarians have in their gardens thornless climbing roses, such as the Boursaults, we do not recall any Hybrid Tea as being entirely thornless, and while the Columbia family are no longer considered good garden roses, the new rose will undoubtedly (if it is taken up by nurserymen) be warmly welcomed by those gardeners who fear the prick of a thorn.
Mr. Grillo, who is a grower of roses for the cut-flower market, has introduced several other novelties, among them being pure white American Pride, for which he received the silver medal of the American Rose Society several years ago. Other Grillo introductions are Emberglow, Grillodale, Jewel, Regina Elina, and Sunny Mount.